Tuesday, February 27, 2007

New Movies For 2007

Please check out some of my advertisers if you get a chance! Just click their links!

For a change, how about something a little lighter than some of the stuff I have been throwing at you lately. Not that that stuff needs to be dismissed, but, you can't dwell on the heavies all the time. So, as we head into Spring 2007, and the years hot season for new movies, I am going to give you the links to the official websites for some of Bobby's hot picks for the year. Most of these movies come out between March 2nd and the end of the year. They are not in any particular order. However, as of right now, I am looking forward to "Resident Evil:Extinction" and "The Transformers"!

Resident Evil: Extinction - Official Site

:: Black Snake Moan ::

Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer - landing 06.15.07

Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix

The Reaping

SHOOTER - Starring Mark Wahlberg - Official Site - Shooter Movie

Shrek the Third - Shrek 3 - Official Site


Spider-Man 3

TMNT -- The Official Movie Website

Underdog -- The Official Movie Website

Wild Hogs -- The Official Movie Site

Transformers: The Movie

Obviously, these are not the only movies this year, but, this is a good start. You can also get trailers for the movies at most of these sites. Have fun!

Okay, so, I missed one! Don't know how I missed this, but, you have got to check this out!

The Host

Remember, The "Umbrella Corporation" rules,

Bobby Sharpewww.myspace.com/akuasharpe BobbySharpe.blogspot.com

Monday, February 26, 2007

Possible Jesus Tomb Documentary

NEW YORK (AP) - Filmmakers and researchers on Monday unveiled two ancient stone boxes they said may have once contained the remains of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, but several scholars derided the claims made in a new documentary as unfounded and contradictory to basic Christian beliefs.

"The Lost Tomb of Jesus," produced by Oscar-winning director James Cameron and scheduled to air March 4 on the Discovery Channel, argues that 10 small caskets, called ossuaries, discovered in 1980 in a Jerusalem suburb may have held the bones of Jesus and his family.

One of the caskets even bears the title, "Judah, son of Jesus," hinting that Jesus may have had a son, according to the film. The claim that Jesus even had an ossuary contradicts the Christian belief that he was resurrected and ascended to heaven.

A panel of scholars that joined the filmmakers Monday at the New York Public Library addressed that criticism and others.

James Tabor, a professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, said that while literal interpreters of the Bible say Jesus' physical body rose from the dead, "one might affirm resurrection in a more spiritual way in which the husk of the body is left behind."

But Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said Christianity "has always understood the physical resurrection of Christ to be at the very center of the faith."

Cameron, who won an Academy Award for directing "Titanic," said he was excited to be associated with the Jesus film, which was directed by Toronto filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici.

"We don't have any physical record of Jesus' existence," he said. "So what this film ... shows is for the first time tangible, physical, archaeological and in some cases forensic evidence."

He said that to a layman's eye "it seemed pretty darn compelling."

Jacobovici said that a name on one of the ossuaries - "Mariamene" - offers evidence that the tomb is that of Jesus and his family. In early Christian texts, "Mariamene" is the name of Mary Magdalene, he said.

Most Christians believe Jesus' body spent three days at the site of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem's Old City. The burial site identified in Cameron's documentary is in a southern Jerusalem neighborhood nowhere near the church.

In 1996, when the British Broadcasting Corp. aired a short documentary on the same subject, archaeologists challenged the claims. Amos Kloner, the first archaeologist to examine the site, said the idea fails to hold up by archaeological standards but makes for profitable television.

"They just want to get money for it," Kloner said.

The film's claims have raised the ire of Christian leaders in the Holy Land.

Stephen Pfann, a biblical scholar at the University of the Holy Land in Jerusalem who was interviewed in the documentary, said the film's hypothesis holds little weight.

"I don't think that Christians are going to buy into this," Pfann said. "But skeptics, in general, would like to see something that pokes holes into the story that so many people hold dear."

Jacobovici said the ossuaries did not initially seem extraordinary because the names on them were all common.

But the filmmakers had statisticians calculate the likelihood that any other family in first-century Jerusalem would have had that cluster of names.

"The numbers range from 1 in 100 to 1 in 1,000 that there is some other family," said Andrey Feuerverger, a professor of mathematics at the University of Toronto.

Osnat Goaz, a spokeswoman for the Israeli government agency responsible for archaeology, said the Antiquities Authority agreed to send two ossuaries to New York, where they were displayed at Monday's news conference, "but it doesn't mean that we agree with" the filmmakers.

The ossuaries do not contain any bones. The bones were reburied after their discovery, as is standard practice with archaeological finds in Israel.

But Jacobovici said DNA evidence can nonetheless be collected from the boxes. He said DNA analysis has so far proved that Jesus and Mariamene, the putative Mary Magdalene, were not siblings and therefore could have been husband and wife.

Personally, I can't wait to see this documentary. Do any of YOU ever get the feeling that the church, and /or, organized religion, has/have perpetuated the biggest scam in the "history of anything" on the world? It is pretty much proven that a lie, a scam, whatever you choose to call it, will eventually unravel and be discovered to be just that. A year or so ago, it was the Davinci Code. Now, this. Think the church isn't re-trenching! Better dig deep.

Anyway, it will be interesting to watch the documentary and the coming press surrounding this story. If you want more info, check out thisThe Lost Tomb of Jesus: Discovery Channel link.

"All that we are, is a result of what we have thought"

Bobby Sharpe www.myspace.com/akuasharpe BobbySharpe.blogspot.com

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Animals, Feel Good, Feel Bad

Beaver Seen in NYC; First in Centuries

NEW YORK (AP) - Beavers grace New York City's official seal. But the industrious rodents haven't been spotted here for as many as 200 years - until this week.

Biologists videotaped a beaver swimming up the Bronx River on Wednesday. Its twig-and-mud lodge had been spotted earlier on the river bank, but the tape confirmed the presence of the animal.

"It had to happen because beaver populations are expanding, and their habitats are shrinking," said Dietland Muller-Schwarze, a beaver expert at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse. "We're probably going to see more of them."

Beavers gnawed out a prominent place in the city's early days as a European settlement, attracting fur traders to a nascent Manhattan. The animal appears in the city seal to symbolize a Dutch trading company that factored in the city's colonial beginnings, according to the city's Web site.

But amid heavy trapping, beavers disappeared from the city in the early 1800s, according to the city Department of Parks & Recreation.

The beaver that has made its way to the Bronx appears to be a male, several feet long and 2 or 3 years old, said Patrick Thomas, the mammals curator at the nearby Bronx Zoo.

Biologists have nicknamed the animal Jose, as a tribute to Rep. Jose Serrano's work to revive the river. The Bronx Democrat lined up federal money for a cleanup.

"But I don't know to what extent I imagined things living in it again," he said.


Idaho ’s governor said he would support public hunts to kill a majority of the state’s gray wolves after the U.S. government strips them of protection under the Endangered Species Act.

Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter said he wanted hunters to kill about 550 gray wolves. “I'm prepared to bid for that first ticket to shoot a wolf myself,” the rancher-turned-politician said during a recent rally of several hundred hunters.

While the gray wolf may be an endangered species, it’s clear that people like “Butch” are an endangering species.

Story one is a great inspirational story about the resilience of the animal spirit and will. The return to NYC of the beaver after almost 200 years is quite remarkable and a great testimony to how well our animal spirits can adapt. It is also a tribute to the human spirit and how we can make a difference.

Story two is almost a complete opposite to the first story. It shows mankinds ignorance, stupidity, arrogance and lack of compassion for our fellow souls occupying this planet. In the great scheme of things, it points out what my knowledgeable and compassionate friend Tara said, "to many of the souls masquerading around this earth as humans are pale yellows or yellows", which means, "they are naive, inexperienced, unknowledgeable and have not fully awaken yet"! So, our animal friends and fellow spirits suffer because of (I promised my teachers I would have a more "positive" outlook, however, sometime you just have to call a spade a spade)assholes like Idaho's governor Butch!

People of Idaho, I know you are better than this idiot running your state. Take a stand and protect your fellow animal spirits. Namely, the gray wolf.

For more animal stories etc. check outALL FOR ANIMALS - Home Page

Animals Rule

Bobby Sharpewww.myspace.com/akuasharpe BobbySharpe.blogspot.com

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Throat Chakra-Visuddha

Visuddha - The Throat Chakra

Element: Sound
Color: Bright Blue
Verb: I speak
Attributes: Sound, vibration, communication, creativity

Chakra 5 is located in the region of the neck and shoulders and is the center of communication and creativity. Its color is a bright turquoise blue, mixing the deep indigo of the sixth chakra with the green of the heart.

Its lotus has 16 petals, upon which are inscribed all the vowels of the Sanskrit language. Vowels are generally thought to represent spirit, while consonants give the edges and definitions which define matter.

As we enter chakra 5, we are crossing deeper into the realms of mind and spirit. This lotus is called Visuddha, which means "purification." To successfully reach and open the fifth chakra, the body must attain a certain level of purification, which helps to achieve the sensitivity needed for the subtler levels of the upper chakra.

Classically, the element associated with this level is ether, or akasha, meaning "spirit," as well as the element of sound. Sound is a rhythmic vibration of air molecules as they are impacted by matter in movement. If I clap my hands, the sound that reaches you is from the air I have displaced. All sound is a vibration, and all things, living and nonliving, have a unique vibration.

At this level, we do not see the world as individual things or their activities but as a complex interwoven net of energies with characteristic vibrational rhythms. The Hindus believe that the universe itself is made of sound. Mother Kali, the destroyer, is said to have the power to remove the letters of the alphabet from the petals of the chakras when she chooses to destroy the world.

Without sound and language, there is no form. Sound waves are subject to a principle called resonance, also known as "rhythm entrainment" or "sympathetic vibration." Resonance is what occurs when sound waves of similar frequency meet—they lock into phase, with their vibrations oscillating at the same time. That which is in phase tends to remain in phase; hence, the interlocking of vibrational waves creates the ongoing harmony and substance that we experience in the world.

Our breathing, heart rate, brain waves, and sleeping and eating patterns are all rhythmic activities that "entrain" or connect us with the world around us. When we are feeling harmonious with our surroundings, then our internal rhythms are resonating within ourselves. This resonance will, in turn, call other wave forms into harmony with it, bringing strength and integrity to the organism.

From sound we get communication. Communication is the activity and function of the fifth chakra. Here we have language, a complex pattern of sound and rhythm, through which we symbolize the physical world around us.

Through symbol, we have a more efficient way of dealing with the world. I can describe my car, but I can’t bring it into the room with me. I can call New York without actually going there. Our minds work with symbols. We think in words, as well as image and sensory memory.

The world of the upper chakras is symbolic of the world below. Communication is a rhythmic activity. The more resonant our own internal rhythms, the more easily and pleasantly we will communicate. Studies have shown that regardless of the content of words used, listeners and speakers enter into a rhythm entrainment as they converse. It is believed that understanding occurs only when entrainment can take place.

Communication involves both listening and speaking. If one’s fifth chakra is closed down, then there is fear of expressing oneself, fear of speaking one’s truth, or excessive shyness. The voice itself is timid and the words are few. If the chakra is too open, we are so busy expressing that we forget to listen, or our voice is dissonant, and we are unable to enter into resonance with those around us. Ideally, the fifth chakra should be connected to the self—to all the other chakras above and below—to visions of the mind and the feelings from body with equal ease.

Chanting is an activity that increases the overall resonance of our being, allowing all our internal systems to enter into a rhythmic harmony. When chanting is practiced as a group activity, it enhances resonance and communication with the group as a whole. From Zen monasteries to rock concerts, this is a powerful tool for enhancing collective consciousness.

The fifth chakra is also a center of creativity, another form of symbolic communication. As we open up this center, we open up our creative potential. The greater our resonance within, the greater the power within our creations.

Experiment with the resonant frequency of your chakras by chanting the following tones with each chakra, varying the pitch from low to higher as you climb up the chakras. Try to find the pitch that resonates with your body. Work on letting your sound be full-bodied and resonant.

Chakra One: Ooo as in home
Chakra Two: U as in rule
Chakra Three: Ah as in father
Chakra Four: Ay as in play
Chakra Five: Ee as in free
Chakra Six: Mm as in hum
Chakra Seven: Ng as in sing

Gemstones that work well with the Throat Chakra are: Lapis, Blue Opal, Sodalite and Kyanite

As I continue to post info on each indiviual chakra, not only am I learning, but, hopefully you are gathering more incite to the chakras and an overall better understanding of self and all that you are and can be.

If you ever need more info on chakras and associated products such as gemstones etc., go to New Age, metaphysical, bookstore, spiritual, enlightenment for some answers. Enjoy!

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought"

Bobby Sharpewww.myspace.com/akuasharpe BobbySharpe.blogspot.com

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Australia To Ban Light Bulbs(incandescent)Reduce Greenhouse Gas

*Please check out some of my advertisers links!

SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - The Australian government on Tuesday announced plans to phase out incandescent light bulbs and replace them with more energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs across the country.

Legislation to gradually restrict the sale of the old-style bulbs could reduce Australia's greenhouse gas emissions by 4 million tons by 2012 and cut household power bills by up to 66 percent, said Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Australia produced almost 565 million tons of greenhouse gases in 2004, official figures show.
Prime Minister John Howard said the plan would help all Australians play a part in cutting harmful gas emissions: "Here's something practical that everybody will participate in."

In incandescent light bulbs, perfected for mass use by Thomas A. Edison in the late 19th century, electricity flows through a filament to create light. Much of the energy, however, is wasted in the form of heat.

Australia is not the only place looking to replace them with fluorescent lighting, which is more efficient and longer lasting.

Last month, a California assemblyman announced he would propose a bill to ban the use of incandescent bulbs in his state. And a New Jersey lawmaker has called for the state to switch to fluorescent lighting in government buildings within three years.

Cuba's Fidel Castro launched a similar program two years ago, sending youth brigades into homes and switching out regular bulbs for energy-saving ones to help battle electrical blackouts around the island.

The idea was later embraced by Castro's friend and ally, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who announced his own program to save energy and in recent months has given away millions of incandescent bulbs in neighborhoods nationwide.

Under the Australian plan, bulbs that do not comply with energy efficiency targets would be gradually banned from sale. Exemptions may apply for special needs such as medical lighting and oven lights.

Fluorescent bulbs are currently more expensive than incandescent bulbs, but use only about 20 percent of the power to produce the same amount of light and last longer, making them more competitive over time, advocates argue.

Environmentalists welcomed the light bulb plan, but noted than the vast bulk of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions come from industry, such as coal-fired power stations.
They urged the government to set national targets for emission reductions and renewable energy.

"It is a good, positive step. But it is a very small step. It needs to be followed through with a lot of different measures," Australian Conservation Foundation spokesman Josh Meadows told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio.

Howard has become a global warming convert, conceding in recent months for the first time that human activity is having an effect on rising temperatures.
But he has steadfastly refused to bring Australia into line with most of the world and ratify the Kyoto protocol on greenhouse gas reductions, arguing that doing so could damage Australia's coal-dependent economy.

You know, I'm not real sure I totally buy into the "global warming" discussion yet. However, this whole "light bulb" philosophy is pretty on the money. Even if it is not a significant amount of reduction in greenhouse gases, it is better than nothing at all. AND, they do last LONGER and use LESS ELECTRICITY! Which all adds up to, "you help the environment AND save some money"! I'm doing both! Why not YOU?

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought"

Bobby Sharpewww.myspace.com/akuasharpe BobbySharpe.blogspot.com

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Casino Revenues In Atlantic City

Ever since casino gambling began here in 1978, revenue at the gambling halls has been on a one-way trip — straight up.

But for the first time, annual revenue from Atlantic City's casinos could decline in 2007. The industry faces increased competition from slot machines in neighboring states, new restrictions on smoking and the closing of one casino.

The first monthly revenue figures of the new year were down, raising concern that it could be the start of a yearlong trend.

If revenue does go down, it could have negative consequences for the industry, its customers and the state of New Jersey, which relies on casino taxes.
"There will be an impact, no doubt," said Carlos Tolosa, eastern division president for Harrah's Entertainment Inc. "The Pennsylvania slots parlors will certainly cause competition. In the past, people just came to Atlantic City. That's the part that always scares you. Atlantic City relies on high-frequency customers."

Already, Pennsylvania slots parlors are cutting into Atlantic City's pie. Figures for January, when Atlantic City went head-to-head with two new Philadelphia-area slots parlors, had New Jersey casino executives reaching for the antacid tablets. Overall revenue at Atlantic City casinos declined 2.9 percent compared with a year ago, but the decline in slots revenue was even sharper at 7.2 percent.

Philadelphia Park, in Bensalem Township, about 20 miles north of Philadelphia, opened Dec. 19. Harrah's Chester Casino and Racetrack opened on Jan. 22. Executives of those gambling halls said they targeted gamblers who otherwise would have gone to Atlantic City.

On the Atlantic City Expressway, among the billboards featuring local entertainers and buffet deals, one billboard for Delaware Park Racetrack in Wilmington beckons departing drivers to "come play with us" next time.

But what's bad for the casinos may be good for their customers, at least in the short term. Many observers say they expect casinos to be even more aggressive about offering financial incentives such as free rooms or show tickets to keep players coming.

Also, a revenue dip may only accelerate a movement already well under way here: Making sure there's a lot more to do in Atlantic City than just gamble.

"Clearly, Atlantic City recognizes that for its overall revenue to grow, it has to become less gaming-centric," said Joseph Weinert, vice president of Spectrum Gaming Group, a casino consulting firm. "A majority of Atlantic City's customers will be able to play slots somewhere closer to home. Atlantic City has to give them a compelling reason to drive farther, stay longer and spend more."

Lorrie Harm came to the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa to play the slots, when she easily could have gone to a Philadelphia-area facility near her home in Cherry Hill.
"The restaurants are great, and I love to shop," she said. "I like the atmosphere here. There's more to do."

Weinert said he expects overall 2007 revenues to be about flat, with a possible fluctuation of 1 percent above or below the break-even point. But Frank Fantini, publisher of The Gaming Morning Report, says a decline of as much as 5 percent is possible this year.

In 2006, Atlantic City's revenues came in at $5.2 billion, up 4 percent from the year before.

The closing in November of The Sands Casino and Hotel is also expected to hurt the bottom line.
"Some of that money will flow to other casinos, but some of it won't be recovered until another property takes its place," said Fantini. There are now 11 Atlantic City casinos, down from 12 last year.

Smoking restrictions are another wild card. As of April 15, casinos must designate at least 75 percent of their gambling floors as smoke-free. The industry is worried about losing its smoking patrons, as well as the millions of dollars it will cost each property to wall off smoking areas and install expensive ventilation systems.

The state has an interest in keeping casino revenues flowing as well. The casinos pay 8 percent tax on their gross revenues, and pay another 1.25 percent toward projects approved by the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority. Last year, that worked out to $417.5 million in revenue taxes, and $65.2 million in reinvestment obligations.

But even if revenues decline this year, almost no one thinks it would be an irreversible trend. Tolosa, the Harrah's president, noted that casinos shut down last July during a state budget crisis, a revenue loss he doesn't expect to recur this year.

Three casinos are adding 2,500 hotel rooms over the next several years, and still other companies are considering building new gaming halls here.

"I don't think anybody doubts that long-term, Atlantic City is going to remain a powerhouse," Fantini said.

So, for the first time since they opened, casino revenues are down in Atlantic City. This, however, should not come as a huge surprise. As the article states, "there is competition" all around. You have slot parlors in Pennsylvania and slots at ractracks in Delaware. Not to mention that more and more states and areas are offering gaming these days.

The problem though extends further than just AC. It is consistant throughout the US these days. For a variety of reasons. A lack of "foreign tourist" is a big part of the problem. They have other "alternatives" to take advantage of these days. You can pretty much go anywhere in Europe or Asian countries these days and find Disney Worlds, Universal Studios, Marine Water Parks, and, yes, "state of the art casinos"! They are closer to home for a lot of these people. They are cheaper and less expensive to get to. And, they do not have to go through the security bs they have to deal with here in the US. Oh, and based on some intell that I just recently got, "our technology is following far behind some areas of the world".

In closing, what I am saying is, "the whole gaming, entertainment, and tourist industry needs to start looking further into the future and start trying to come up with "the next BIG thing".

Now if you just want to get away without caring about any of that materialistic crap. You can always go to Hawaii and get some natural beauty and soak up some rays. And, it does not have to cost you a fortune. My brother, Bill, has a vacation rental on the Big Island that is waiting for you.Vacation Rentals .com - Keaau Hawaii Patience & Malikai's Place Check out the link and start planning your vaca now!

Peace & Soulz,

Bobby Sharpewww.myspace.com/akuasharpe

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Crown Chakra-Sahasrara

Crown Chakra

Generic Name: Crown Chakra
Eastern Name: Sahasrara
Location: Right above the top of the head
Color: Purple, White(clear)
Musical Note: B
Crystals and Gemstones: Diamond, Clear Crystal Quartz, White Jade, Amethyst, Celestite
Attributes: This chakra is related to one's spiritual connection to the universe, the ability to be open to all, and an overall cosmic understanding.
Glandular Connection: Pituitary

Special Notes: If a person has a blocked crown chakra, the last thing on his mind is his spirituality. This is the atheist who believes his life snuffs out the moment he dies. This is not to imply that this person does not have ethics or morality-simply that his life is limited to physical and mental perceptions only.

This is the highest vibrating chakra and is considered the closest link to the soul. An open crown chakra allows access to the infinite, divine inspiration, nirvana, and detachment from illusion. If the other chakras are open as well, a person is able to fully manifest, express, and live a life that is beyond compare.

At last we come to the end of our journey, climbing to the nectar blossom of our flower—the thousand-petaled lotus sitting at the crown of the head. This is the chakra of thought, consciousness, and information, our most abstract and versatile level of all the chakras. Like the Muladhara, which has its roots in matter, the Sahasrara chakra, which means "thousandfold" has its thousand petals of spirit reaching into the infinite cosmos. To the Hindus, thousand is a way of expressing infinity, and indeed, this chakra has no limits in its scope.

The element of Sahasrara is thought, a fundamentally distinct and unmeasurable entity that is the first and barest manifestation of the greater field of consciousness around us. Correspondingly, the function of the chakra is knowing, just as other chakras relate to seeing, doing, or feeling. It is through the crown chakra that we store and retrieve information and run it through our lower chakras to bring things into manifestation.

The crown chakra is most significantly characterized by a quality of "withinness," contrasting the external manifestation in time and space of the lower chakras. A single human brain contains some 13 billion interconnected nerve cells, capable of making more connections among themselves than the number of atoms in the universe. This staggering comparison leaves us with a pretty remarkable instrument. As there are 100 million sensory receptors in the body, and 10 trillion synapses in the nervous system, we find that the mind is 100,000 times more sensitive to the organism’s internal environment than the external. It is truly from a place within that we acquire and process our knowledge.

Withinness is a way of accessing a dimension that has no locality in time and space. If we postulate that each chakra represents a dimension of smaller and faster vibration, we theoretically reach a place in the crown chakra where we have a wave of infinite speed and no wavelength, allowing it to be everywhere at once and yet having no perceivable location. Ultimate states of consciousness are described as omnipresent. By reducing the world to a pattern system, occupying no physical dimension, we have infinite storage capacity for its symbols. In other words, we carry the whole world inside our heads.

Pattern implies order. To the Hindus, order is the one underlying universal reality, and that order is considered synonymous with consciousness. Consciousness, then, is a field of ordered pattern. Chakra 7 is our gateway to "cosmic consciousness" or "higher consciousness." These terms merely refer to awareness of a deeper, more encompassing order. It is the perception of meta-patterns, deep central truths about our cosmic ordering system. Manifesting our thought-forms into reality is a matter of following the lines of order we perceive.

The crown chakra is the place where we study consciousness itself, even though each chakra reflects a state of consciousness. It must be remembered in this study that what we are looking for is the very thing that is doing the looking. Intelligence is less a matter of finding the answers than of realizing who and what are asking the questions.

Thought is comprised of bits of information that we spend time organizing. Through our experiences, each one of us builds a personal matrix of information within our mind. From the first glimpses of our mother’s face to our doctoral dissertation, we spend our time trying to put information about our world into some semblance of order. The very act of thinking is the process of following lines of order. Our matrix structures become our personal belief systems and the ordering principles of our lives. Not only do we organize new information into our personal structure, but we also order the events of our lives that bring us that information.

Kundalini is the "force" of consciousness. As she rises and descends, she changes the internal order of the personal matrix, each time allowing a greater perception of the whole. Each of the chakras represents a level of organization, valid for the work on its particular level. Each time Kundalini rises, we find ourselves needing to reorganize our lives to match the higher order She brings us.

While each chakra is a disk, programmed with information relating to its particular function, the seventh chakra can be seen as the overall operating system for the whole biocomputer. It represents our belief systems, the way we categorize our information, and even our ability to be aware at all. Thoughts are things, and they are the seeds from which all manifestation grows. Like all seeds, they contain the pattern that shapes the flower as it grows.

Exercise for Following one’s thoughts Lie or sit in a comfortable meditation position. Allow your mind to become relatively calm and quiet, using whatever technique is most effective for you.

Gradually let yourself pay attention to the thoughts that pass through your mind. Pick one and ask yourself where it came from—what thoughts preceded it. Then follow to the origin of that thought. It may be something that occurred years ago or something that is pressing on you right now. Then again follow that thought to its source and on to each thought’s origin.

Eventually, we come to a kind of infinite source that has no objective origin. Return and pick another thought that passes through. Repeat the same sequence, going further and further back. See how many of your thoughts emanate from a similar source—either an issue you’re working with in your life right now, a past teaching, or your own place of connection with the infinite.

This is the Ultimate chakra that controls all the other chakras. As the article points out, if you have this chakra fully tuned and balanced, the others will be in line and you should have the best life possible.

For more info on the "crown chakra", visit these sites:crownchakra Chakras Guideline - Psychic Articles - Psychic and Medium Experiences

Peace & Soulz,

Bobby Sharpewww.myspace.com/akuasharpe

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Behind The Eye Meditation Classes

Behind The Eye
Meditation with Tara

Meditation is a practice that integrates mind, body and spirit by combining traditional seated meditation in stillness and quiet. It is an adventure in self discovery. Mediation activates the divine energies of the spiritual heart. In working with these energies we discover and nurture something very special inside of us. We experience the flowering of the spirit, opening of the heart, becoming more intuitive and more able to heal ourselves.

Behind The Eye Meditation is a Buddhist and Taoist based practice of focusing within. Making a connection with your higher self to create awareness, release any blockages and create inner peace and clarity.

We work on deepening our meditation and explore the practical usage of energies in healing, connecting, sensing and awakening our intuition.

Location: Tranquil Oasis
320 N Ferncreek Ave
Orlando, FL 32801

Schedule: Monday’s at 7:30 – 8:30

Beginning March 5

Cost: $10 per class

Questions? Call Tara at 407.893.6461

Hey, this would be a great way to loosen up and maybe get in touch with your inner self. We could certainly learn how to release those energies to try and help heal ourselves. I don't know about you, but, I would much rather heal me than spend a fortune healing some doctors bank account for something I could have done by just being in touch with myself.

Give it some thought. Make a note of the date and time. Who knows, it might be the first step to a "BETTER" life. As I say, "nothing ventured, nothing gained".

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought",

Bobby Sharpewww.myspace.com/akuasharpe

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Third Eye Chakra

Third eye

The third eye is a metaphysical and esoteric concept referring in part to the ajna (brow) chakra in certain eastern and western spiritual traditions. In New Age spirituality, the third eye may alternately symbolize a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images having deeply-personal spiritual or psychological significance.

The third eye is often associated with visions, clairvoyance, precognition, and out-of-body experiences, and people who have allegedly developed the capacity to use their third eyes are sometimes known as seers.


In Hinduism and Buddhism, the third eye is a symbol of enlightenment (see moksha and nirvana). The third eye is the ajna chakra (sixth chakra) also known as brow chakra or brow centre. This is commonly denoted in Indian and East Asian iconography with a dot, eye or mark on the forehead of deities or enlightened beings, such as Shiva (God of Destruction), the Buddha, or any number of yogis, sages and bodhisattvas. This symbol is called the "Third Eye" or "Eye of Wisdom", or, in Buddhism, the urna. In Hinduism, it is believed that the opening of Shiva's third eye is the end of the universe.

Many Hindus wear a tilak between the eyebrows to represent the third eye.

In Surat Shabda Yoga, initiation by an Outer Living Satguru (Sat - true, Guru - teacher) is required and involves reconnecting soul to the Shabda (the Audible Life Stream) and stationing the Inner Shabda Master (the Radiant Form of the Master) at the third eye (tisra til) chakra.

In the Western Wisdom Teachings

According to Max Heindel's Rosicrucian writings, called Western Wisdom Teachings, there are in the brain two small organs called the pituitary body and the pineal gland. This last gland is also called by medical science as "the atrophied third eye"; however, these teachings describe that none of them is atrophying: the pituitary body and the pineal gland at the present time are neither evolving nor degenerating, but are dormant. It is said that in the far past, when man was in touch with the inner worlds, these organs were his means of ingress thereto, and they will again serve that purpose at a later stage.

According to this view, they were connected with the involuntary or sympathetic nervous system and to regain contact with the inner worlds (to reawaken the pituitary body and the pineal gland) it is necessary to establish the connection of the pineal gland and the pituitary body with the cerebrospinal nervous system. It is said that when that is accomplished, man will again possess the faculty of perception in the higher worlds (i.e. clairvoyance), but on a grander scale than it was in the distant past, because it will be in connection with the voluntary nervous system and therefore under the control of his will.


The third eye is used in many meditation schools and arts, such as in yoga, qigong, many Chinese martial arts, Ch'an Buddhism, and in some Japanese martial arts like Karate and Aikido (both use Zen Buddhism as a philosophy).

Technique to Open Third Eye

In Taoism and many traditional Chinese religious sects such as "chan", "third eye training" involves focussing attention on the point between the eyebrows with the eyes closed in various qigong postures. The goal is at first to be able to fix one's attention while other physiological changes are happening in the body. Eventually, this training is said to allow one to keep one's attention properly on the opponent or opponents in a physical confrontation. Students who undertake such training often report experiencing feelings of pressure, pulsing, tingling and other sensations between the eyebrows and around the forehead area. However, opening third eye can not depend on this focusing only. This only allows one to tune in to the right vision. Generally, opening third eye requires strong energy to explode all clogged channels and supplies constant energy to maintain it.

In theory, the third eye, also called mind's eye, is situated right between the 2 eyes, and expands up to the middle of the forehead when opened. It is one of the main chakras--the sixth chakra (the third eye is in fact a part of the main meridian, the line separating the left and right hemispheres of the body).

Some claim that the chakras can be opened via chakra gemstones, and that to open the third eye requires an amethyst that has been cleaned under flowing water before use.

Overall, techniques to open third eye can be classified into following categories: 1.Chanting prayers: One of the powerful ways to open third eye or boost energy is thorugh chanting. Here is a list of some more powerful prayers in boosting energy and pave the way to opening third eye:

(A) om ma ni ba mi horn (B) se ba se de da ga (c) 0091000

2.Hand gestures: This is the way to connect energy of the universe. Many hand gestures can be used to connect some more advanced energy into human body.All of them draw energy into different channels of human body.

3.Graph observation: Some graphs have the ability to produce strong energy. If one focus on connecting with the energy from those graphs, the energy can be very powerful. The simples example is swastika.Generally, it will take ten years for a beginner to gain some abilities or to open third eye fully. As a result, it is stronlgy advised to regard the practice as a way toward englightment instead of gaining abilities. In the beginning phase, one usually sees some light in forehead. Sometimes you can see some characters or numbers. All these are showing good signs. However, they are still very far away from real opening. As the practice goes deeper, one usually experience that our body has some solid fragments which prevent energy flow. At this phase, one is on the right path. As times goes by, the solid fragments become gaseous and finally the third eye will open.

The process of opening third eye is very slow. However , some tricks can speed up the process to some degree. Those special tricks are usually taught at more advanced meditation courses offered in each sect. The effect usually depends on the energy the beginner has. The more energy the beginner has, the more views the beginner gain. Most people' third eyes begin to work with the function of seeing the color of energy. However people do differ a lot. Some people see pastlife more easily. As time goes by, the functions of third eye approach perfection.

Physical basis: the pineal gland?

Some, including Rick Strassman, have suggested that the third eye is in fact the partially dormant pineal gland, which resides between the two hemispheres of the brain. This concept is supported by the pinealocytes, one type of cells within the pineal gland, having a strong resemblance to the photoreceptors of the eye. Additionally, the pineal gland is said to excrete dimethyltryptamine (DMT), which is believed to be a chemical precursor to dreams, near-death experiences, meditation, visions, and other forms of awareness that aren't well understood yet.

While still speculative, this indicates that the pineal gland could be the physical manifestation of the third eye. Various types of lower vertebrates, such as reptiles and amphibians, can actually sense light via their pineal gland which serves to synchronize their circadian rhythm to the daily light/dark cycle.

Current medical understanding states that the pineal gland is a producer of the hormone Melatonin, which has a role in regulating the body's circadian rhythm to the daily light/dark cycle and also assists with the immune system.
See also: Pineal gland and Melatonin

In popular culture

The third eye has been displayed in many varieties of fiction, often to denote a transcendent evolution which may also grant the recipient the ability to see through time or be in communication with a spiritual being. An example of its use this way can be found in the videogame killer7, in which a young boy (Emir Parkreiner) shoots himself on the roof of a hotel during a full moon. Instead of dying, however, a third eye opens on his forehead and he is reincarnated as Garcian Smith, who has the power to give life to the dead, and becomes spiritually bound to his deity mentor.

In November 1956 the book The Third Eye by Lobsang Rampa was published in the United Kingdom. The book claims to tell the true story of a Buddhist monk's training in Tibet, and contains a description of a surgical operation in which a third eye is drilled into Rampa's forehead, giving him the ability to read other people's auras. This type of operation is known as trepanation. The Third Eye is a controversial book as it contains New Age and Occult themes that are not part of standard Buddhist teachings. It was also shown that the book was written not by a Tibetan monk, but by a man from Devon called Cyril Hoskin (1910 - 1981) who had never been to Tibet and spoke no Tibetan.

The American band Tool also makes reference to "prying open my third eye" in a track from their 1996 release Ænima named "Third Eye". Though many believe this is simply a tribute to the comedian Bill Hicks, it can also be attributed as a facet of the bands psychedelic nature. Some find it to correspond to their numerous references to LSD use, and their use of manufactured DMT.

On the underground hip hop scene, many emcees and rappers (for example, Hieroglyphics, Dilated Peoples, and Blackalicious) use the idea of "transcending" spiritually and having a higher power speak through their rhymes/flows/freestyles. This has led a few artists to start using the term "third eye" in their lyrics as a means to take their verses and their consciousness to a higher level, rather than rap about worldly possessions. The Hieroglyphics crew's first collaborative album was titled 3rd Eye Vision, and the third eye concept is featured prominently in the group's logo.

The third eye is also seen in Japanese animation. One popular example is in the series Dragonball Z through the character of Tien. Tien had trained to unlock his third eye, or the 6th gate to his Chakra, but eventually trained to the point where his third eye became so advanced, it created a physical manifestation so the Third Eye became clearly visible.

In another series, 3x3 Eyes the female lead, Pai, is the last Sanjiyan Unkara, a race of triclops that possess the secret to immortality; the third eye possesses its own personality and is the source of the Sanjiyan's power, vanishing completely from view when closed. In Elfen Lied, the female main character, Lucy, is a diclonius: a mutated variant of humans with an overly developed pineal gland that gives them telepathic abilities, as well as the ability to telekineticly manipulate solid matter through the use of, what is known through the anime as, "vectors". Also, Gaara from the Naruto series manipulates sand into the shape of an eyeball, connecting it to his optic nerve, allowing him to open his third eye.

Hopefully, this posting will help and give some incite to those of you that may be interested in working on your Third Eye Chakra. Personally, I think it would be interesting to be able to see beyond our 3D dimension and maybe gain some knowledge that may help us all live a better life. Hey, you never know! Nothing ventured, nothing gained! You lose.

Amethyst and Lapis Lazuli are good for working with the Third Eye chakra if you want to use that approach.

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought"!

Bobby Sharpewww.myspace.com/akuasharpe

Monday, February 12, 2007

Tachyon, Takionic Products, A Better You

What Is Tachyon

A tachyon (from the Greek ταχύς (takhús), meaning "swift, fast") is any hypothetical particle that travels at superluminal velocity.

The first description of tachyons is attributed to German physicist Arnold Sommerfeld, but it was George Sudarshan, Olexa-Myron Bilaniuk[1][2] and Gerald Feinberg[3] (who originally coined the term) in the 1960s who advanced a theoretical framework for their study.

Tachyons have recurred in a variety of contexts, such as string theory. In the language of special relativity, a tachyon is a particle with space-like four-momentum and imaginary proper time. A tachyon is constrained to the space-like portion of the energy-momentum graph. Therefore, it can never slow to light speed or below.

Tachyon Energy

The body is composed of electrical, magnetic, and Tachyon (subtle) energy. Tachyon energy also is referred to as Prana, Chi, Universal Life Force Energies, Aura, among other names.

Our bodies are not only sensitive to, but are energetically balanced by, Tachyon energy.

The word tachyon (Greek) translates as 'fast particle'.

It is faster than the speed of light and is derived from the word 'tachytis' (velocity).

In past centuries, scientists were sceptical of this phenomenon.

Knowledge of Tachyon Energy has been with us for at least 40 years, but modern physics finally proved its existence in the 1960s.

Today, various scientists verify its existence. We use Tachyon Energy primarily to harmonise subatomic structures and use specific tools for therapeutic treatments.

Tachyons have been known for thousands of years when mankind used them in rituals.

Tachyon energy was defined by Dr. Gerald Feinberg of MIT in 1966 as a faster-than-light sub-atomic particle. Since the late 1800's, scientists around the world have been working on free energy devices that use Tachyon.

Tachyon Energy strengthens the energetic field which is directly linked to the physical body. It then activates and intensifies the structure of the cells, reminding them of their perfect order.

Many people wear Tachyon products in jewelry, belts or other apparel.

Nikola Tesla was successful in the creation of a car that ran on an invisible, undirectable Tachyon energy source.

Dr. Henry Moray was also successful in creating energy converters that use this free energy.

Today many scientists working on free energy devices are focusing on the conversion of Tachyon energy into electrical energy.

Results of using tachyon energy products:

Balances health via electro-magnetic fields

Improves micro-circulation, balancing the flow of chi in the body

Releases blockages

Promoting overall well being

Vitalizes drinking water and food

A boost to your overall vitality to combat stress and fatigue

Enhances therapies through harmonising the chakras

Not a cure - promotes natural healing

Products are used by professional athletes

A few days ago, a friend of mine went to a "new age" bookstore. After talking with the proprietor, and explaining her problems with her hands and wrists, she was told about "Tachyon" products. Specifically, the wrist bands. The store owner gave her a pair of her Takionic wrist bands to try out. If she was happy with them, the store would order her her own pair of the bands. Two days later, my friend called me to tell me that, "the wrist bands work, the pain in my hands is all but totally gone".

This certainly piqued my curiosity, because, my friend is a no nonsense, down to Earth, for real, practical and truthful person. If she says it works, IT WORKS! So, since almost everybody I know has some kind of nagging pain or discomfort, I figured, "hell, let me check this out so I can pass this info on to the masses". That is what this posting is about. You have to be a little open minded and have a brain to understand some of this scientific and ethereal stuff as to how and why this works. However, if you really don't care "how or why", just go toTAKIONIC-Online Shop and check out the products and see what might be right for you.

If it will possibly make your life in this incarnation better, why not at least check it out. Can't hurt, and, just might stop the hurt! Wouldn't that be nice.

"What We Think About and Thank About, Is What We Bring About

Bobby Sharpe"www.myspace.com/akuasharpe

Friday, February 09, 2007

Just a reminder about Sundays "Indigo Meditation" class this Sunday Feb. 11, 2007. All the info is below. Behind the Eye also has a new myspace profile page that is in the works and coming along nicely. Check it out at www.myspace.com/behindtheeye

Behind the Eye


With Tara

Indigo Meditation is a practice that integrates mind, body and spirit by combining traditional seated meditation with stillness and quiet.

Meditation activates the divine energies of the spiritual heart. In working with these energies we discover and nurture something very special inside of us. We experience the flowering of the spirit, opening of the heart, becoming more intuitive and more able to heal ourselves.

Indigo Meditation is a Buddhist and Taoist based practice of focusing within. Making a connection with your higher self to create awareness and release any blockages. We work on deepening our mediation and explore the practical usage of energies in healing, connecting, sensing and awakening our intuition.

Location: Tranquil Oasis
320 N Ferncreek Ave

Schedule: Sunday, February 11 3:30-4:30

Cost: Free


Call Tara at 407.893.6461

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