Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Women "YES", Religion "NO"

Neda Soltan
Equal Rights For ALL Women Everywhere

Some of YOU will disagree and be offended, and, guess what, "I really don't care"! "Religion is destroying this planet through the idiot humans that support it". There is NO EXCUSE for the human male species to treat women the way they are treated in the name of some bogus heathenistic religion! And anyone who supports or backs these low life scum, needs to be treated as they treat these women! The only thing that should matter here, is humans caring for humans. Neither male nor female is superior. We are all the same, which, YOU will find out in due course, or, as Mick Jagger would say, "when the whip comes down"....and it IS coming!

"Speak Your Mind,
Those That Matter Don't Mind,
Those That Mind, Dont Matter"

Thursday, June 18, 2009

2012 & Bobby's Innervision

"elevating yourself to a higher consciousness is a primary reason for being. As your mind ascends, you tend to have less patience with those who are not elevating themselves. It is frustrating at times to say the least. In a way, it is also sad. It's almost like saying, "hey, YOU are my friend or acquaintence, and, I cherish our relationship, however, to stay instep with YOU, would be short changing my elevation and growth". They may be comfortable where they are because they have not "awaken" yet. However, YOU, have to move forward and higher to fulfill your destiny of knowing".....

This is something that has been playing in my head for awhile now and I just wanted to lay it out. I come in contact with so many people on a daily basis, and, unfortunately, compared to where my head is now, the majority of these people are "light years" out of the loop on almost everything. When I do come in contact with souls that are on par with where I am, or, a little pass me, "it's like hitting the lottery".

Big things are coming our way in the not to distant future. It would be great to see more souls waking up and paying attention and preparing themselves instead of wallowing in self thought about stuff and things that really mean nothing. YOU might want to check this site out for some awakening thoughts. Whether taken seriously or dismissed as sci-fi, it is thought provoking. http://www.instituteforhumancontinuity.org/#/home

"YOU Rule",

Monday, June 01, 2009

Global/Polar Shift Conversations

Possible map after a shift
In the last 5 days, I have had the pleasure of spending time with oncology(cancer)doctors from all around the globe. They were gathered here in Orlando, Florida for a convention/conference. It was a great opportunity for me to get to pick the brains of knowledgeable intelligent beings from other places on the planet and from diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Although we conversed on the medical aspects of what they do and, were here for, the conversations easily slipped into global concerns such as climate, energy and water. Almost everyone I conversed with, agreed that there is global climate change happening. Just about everyone also does not subscribe to "global warming" or the fact that what we are under going is manmade. They all attribute what is taking place to "cyclical" changes that the planet goes through. A number of these well informed and "awake" souls also told me of weather conditions that have been taking place in the last 2-3 years that have never before occurred in their country or part of the world. Exceptional amounts of snow, colder than average temps, warmer than average temps, pro longed cold/hot wet/dry seasons extending well beyond their normal periods. We are undergoing a planetary, and possibly, polar shift. There have been numerous shifts before us. There will be many more after us.

If YOU would like to read some more on possible coming events, go to Pole Shift & Pole Reversal between now & 2012 - David Icke's Official Forums As I have said many times before, "pay attention to what is happening on your planet and world".

"Just A Friendly WakeUP Call",

Friend Connect