Monday, October 20, 2008

British UFO Files(NEW)

Britain Releases More UFO Sighting Files

LONDON (Oct. 20) - Two U.S. fighter planes were scrambled and ordered to shoot down an unidentified flying object over the English countryside during the Cold War, according to secret files made public on Monday.

One pilot said he was seconds away from firing 24 rockets at the object, which moved erratically and gave a radar reading like "a flying aircraft carrier."

The pilot, Milton Torres, now 77 and living in Miami, said it spent periods motionless in the sky before reaching estimated speeds of more than 7,600 mph.

After the alert, a shadowy figure told Torres he must never talk about the incident and he duly kept silent for more than 30 years.

The close encounter is one of many reported UFO sightings among 19 files that Britain's National Archives posted Monday to the Web. The new material covers UFO sightings between 1986 and 1992.

While the 1,500-page batch of documents debunks a host of UFO sightings, others like Torres' remain unexplained.

Alitalia pilot Achille Zaghetti was at the helm of a jet from Milan to London's Heathrow Airport on the evening of April 21, 1991 when a flying object streaked across his field of vision.

"At once I said, 'look out, look out,' to my co-pilot, who looked out and saw what I had seen," Zaghetti wrote in his report. "As soon as the object crossed us I asked to the ACC (area control center) operator if he saw something on his screen and he answered 'I see an unknown target 10 nautical miles behind you."

An investigation later ruled out a missile — but never ruled anything in, either.

On June 17, 1991, four passengers on a Hamburg, Germany-bound Dan Air 737 spotted "a wingless projectile pass below and to the left of the aircraft" as the flight climbed out of London's Gatwick Airport.

"It would seem to have passed fairly close by as the passengers were able to see it quite clearly," the Civil Aviation Authority wrote in its report.

More disturbing was a sighting a month later by crew aboard a Gatwick-bound Britannia Airways Boeing 737, who saw a "a small black lozenge-shaped object" zipping past about 100 yards to the left of the aircraft.

The airport confirmed seeing an object on its radar and clocked it traveling at 120 miles per hour. Air traffic controllers quickly warned the next aircraft to turn out of the object's flight path, although by then the object had disappeared from view.

Speculation centered on a weather balloon released in the area the same day, but an investigation could not determine what the UFO was.

Monday's release is the second batch of UFO files that Britain's military has put out this year. David Clarke, a UFO expert who has worked with the National Archives, said in the next few years, a total of 160 UFO-related files will be made available to the public.

Some things in the newly released files were either unhinged or unverifiable.

One correspondent tells the military he was shouted at by aliens while sleeping outdoors. Another writes in "with extraordinary news," saying the "legendary 'feathered serpents'" are waiting for permission to land on earth.

Torres' tale of being ordered to shoot down the UFO over eastern England, forwarded to the Ministry of Defense by a UFO enthusiast, was kept on file though the military turned up no evidence of it in its official records.

In a written account, Torres described how he scrambled his F-86 D Sabre jet in calm weather from the Royal Air Force base at Manston, Kent in May 1957.

"I was only a lieutenant and very much aware of the gravity of the situation. I felt very much like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest," he said.

"The order came to fire a salvo of rockets at the UFO. The authentication was valid and I selected 24 rockets.

"I had a lock-on that had the proportions of a flying aircraft carrier," he added. "The larger the airplane, the easier the lock-on. This blip almost locked itself."

At the last moment, the object disappeared from the radar screen and the high-speed chase was called off.

He returned to base and was debriefed the next day by an unnamed man who "looked like a well-dressed IBM salesman."

"He threatened me with a national security breach if I breathed a word about it to anyone," he said.

UFO expert David Clarke said the sighting may have been part of a secret U.S. project to create phantom aircraft on radar screens to test Soviet air defences.

"Perhaps what this pilot had seen was some kind of experiment in electronic warfare or maybe it was a UFO," he said. "Something very unusual happened."

Occasionally, officials got to the bottom of the sightings.

On a clear November afternoon in 1992, an office worker called the Ministry of Defense, saying a strange shimmering object was descending slowly over London's Regent's Park.

"As call progressed, it became clear that the object was a kite," an unidentified military staffer noted drily in his write-up.

More info on the fact that the possibility of UFO's do exist and have and do visit. If YOU would like to check out some photos and a poll, go to Britain Releases More UFO Sighting Files

Space, The Great Hideout,

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Vote! Bobby Sharpe For President

Seeing as how neither party's candidate really appeals to me and since the Dumocrats ripped off my candidate Hillary, I figured I would just go on a write in campaign and vote for me. Alot of other people I have talked to feel the same way that I do. So, as a write in candidate, I will lay out why YOU should or shouldn't vote for me.

My Platform - Social Issues

A) NO more aerial shooting/hunting of wolves or any other living creatures on this planet. Unless sanctioned by a board that oversees such events.

B) Any crime committed against any living creature on this planet will be dealt with as if the victim were a human. Human sentencing/penalty guidelines will apply.

C) Legalization of marijuana will be implemented on a state to state vote by each individual state.

D) Legalization of gambling and prostitution will be implemented on a state to state vote by each individual state.

E) Freedom of Choice(Roe v Wade)shall remain in effect as a "right to privacy" issue for each woman to make her own decision.

F) Every legal of age citizen shall have the right to bear arms.

G) There will be "NO" same sex marriages in any of the states. However, same sex couples will have the same rights as heterosexual man and wife couples.

My Platform - Immigrants/Immigration

A) By a certain date, every illegal immigrant in this country now, will either be given citizenship or deported. Any illegal immigrants after this date, will be detained and/or deported. If they commit capital crimes while here illegally, they will be executed.

My Platform - Health Care

A) All children to the age of 18, will be fully covered under a government funded health plan. This includes all illnesses, vision/eyes, teeth/dental and ears/hearing.

B) Everyone over the age of 18 will recieve a "health care" tax credit to defray the cost of your yearly health care. This amount has yet to be determined. It will not be taxable!

My Platform - Education

A) There will be certain guidelines set by the government for learning k-12. However, each state and jurisdiction shall set their own school's curriculum. Example, you will teach basic math, but, YOU have the freedom to teach it as YOU see fit.

B) I will implement programs to allow a wide variety of scholarships for many different career fields. Student loans will be kept to the absolute minimum possible.

My Platform - Foreign Affairs

A) I will work strenuously to minimize this countries involvement in others affairs. That being said, I will also stand side by side with our allies through thick and thin. Providing whatever is required by them in any given situation possible. As far as dealing with all others, "diplomacy" will always be at the top of the list. However, if and when diplomacy does NOT WORK, I will not hesitate to use whatever means are called for to resolve any potential conflict. If it gets to this point, any and everything is in play. Including nukes and tech weapons that are now being created and tested.

My Platform - Taxes

A) As of right now, with the economy being what it is, I cannot lay out a specific tax plan. Except to say, everybody will pay their fair share and, "there will be NO "sharing the wealth" policy. I am not Robin Hood and there are NO FREE RIDES for anyone"! YOU contribute or, YOU get nothing. This will no longer be a welfare state. Of course there are always exceptions. Which will be dealt with on a case by case scenario.

My Platform - Overall View

I have NO party affiliation or agenda. NO ONE is pulling my strings. My basic philosophy is that every soul on this planet is here for and by its own choosing. Each of us has our own mission/agenda to fulfill. Each of us is responsible for our own existence and should pass our time depending on ourselves and NOT someone else or, the government. It is a wonderful thing to help your fellow souls when YOU choose to do so. It is NOT a wonderful thing to have someone else telling YOU that it is incumbent on YOU to help other souls. If each and everyone of us lives our lives to our peak, then this will be a great place to spend this lifetime.

"Vote With Your Brain",

Friday, October 17, 2008

Alien Updates & Links/Video

For all of YOU alien fans out there, these two links are just for YOU. Some really great info and insight on these two sites. Check them out and enjoy!

"The more YOU know, the more YOU grow,
The more YOU grow, the further YOU go"

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Arctic Is Turning Into South Beach

Arctic Sea
Arctic Temperatures Hit Record Highs

WASHINGTON (Oct. 16) - Autumn temperatures in the Arctic are at record levels, the Arctic Ocean is getting warmer and less salty as sea ice melts, and reindeer herds appear to be declining, researchers reported Thursday.

"Obviously, the planet is interconnected, so what happens in the Arctic does matter" to the rest of the world, Jackie Richter-Menge of the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory in Hanover, N.H., said in releasing the third annual Arctic Report Card.

The report, compiled by 46 scientists from 10 countries, looks at a variety of conditions in the Arctic.

The region has long been expected to be among the first areas to show impacts from global warming, which the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says is largely a result of human activities adding carbon dioxide and other gases to the atmosphere. NOT!

"Changes in the Arctic show a domino effect from multiple causes more clearly than in other regions," said James Overland, an oceanographer at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory in Seattle. "It's a sensitive system and often reflects changes in relatively fast and dramatic ways."

For example, autumn air temperatures in the Arctic are at a record 9 degrees Fahrenheit (5 Celsius) above normal.

The report noted that 2007 was the warmest year on record the Arctic, leading to a record loss of sea ice. This year's sea ice melt was second only to 2007.

Rising temperatures help melt the ice, which in turn allows more solar heating of the ocean. That warming of the air and ocean affects land and marine life, and reduces the amount of winter sea ice that lasts into the following summer.

The study also noted a warming trend on Arctic land and increase in greenness as shrubs move north into areas that were formerly permafrost.

While the warming continues, the rate in this century is less than in the 1990s due to natural variability, the researchers said.

In addition to global warming there are natural cycles of warming and cooling, and a warm cycle in the 1990s added to the temperature rise. Now with a cooler cycles in some areas the rise in temperatures has slowed, but Overland said he expects that it will speed up again when the next natural warming cycle comes around.

Asked if an increase in radiation from the sun was having an effect on the Earth's climate, Jason Box of the Byrd Polar Research Center in Columbus, Ohio, said while it's important, increased solar output only accounts for about 10 percent of global warming.

"You can't use solar to say that greenhouse gases are not a major factor," Overland added.

Other findings from the report include:

— The Arctic Ocean continued to warm and freshen due to ice melt. This was accompanied by an "unprecedented" rate of sea level rise of nearly 0.1 inch per year.

— Warming has continued around Greenland in 2007 resulting in a record amount of ice melt. The Greenland ice sheet lost 24 cubic miles of ice, making it the largest single contributor to global sea level rise.

— Reindeer herds that had been increasing since the 1970s are now showing signs of leveling off or beginning to decline.

— Goose populations are increasing as they expand their range within the Arctic.

— Data on marine mammals is limited but they seem to have mixed trends. They are adapted to life in a region that is at least seasonally ice-covered. There is concern about the small numbers of polar bears in some regions, the status of many walrus groups is unknown, some whales are increasing and others declining.

"This is a very complicated system and we are still working diligently to sort out its mysteries," said Richter-Menge.

In addition to Richter-Menge, Overland and Box, lead authors of the report included Michael Simpkin of NOAA, Silver Spring, Md. and Vladimir E. Romanovsky of the Geophysical Institute, Fairbanks, Alaska.

So, here we go again. As usual, "it is mans fault that this is taking place". NOT! It is the cyclical changes that the planet goes through ever so many years. Sure, we may not be helping matters, but, what we contribute to this process is miniscule and virtually has NO effect. Of course, these people will not tell us that, if they did, "they would more than likely be out of jobs". Opyn your Mindz and figure this out for yourself. It only takes a little reading and research to get the answers.

Climate variations, "change YOU can believe in",

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Final Debate '08, Takes & Observations

Well, just finished watching the third and final debate between John McCain and Barack Obama. It was the best of the three debates that they did. I think they both did a decent job. One statement that John McCain made did impress me. It was when he told Obama that he(McCain)was NOT George Bush and if Obama wanted to run against Bush, he should have done so 4 years ago. I thought that was pretty cool because, "McCain is NOT Bush". Yes, he is a Republican, but, that's it! That being said, "I still have issues with BOTH candidates". They are:

John McCain's stance on abortion. He would rather over turn Roe v Wade and leave it up to individual states to either legalize abortion or, make it illegal. That is not the way to go. As Barack stated, there is something in the Constitution that deals with the right to privacy that should make this a federal decision as it is. I am NOT saying abortion is right or wrong, however, "a womans right to choose is RIGHT"!

Barack Obama's economic plans. His plans sound really good on the surface and appealing to the average "joe". However, he has NOT explained how he will pay for all these tax breaks for the middle class and his proposed "socialized medicine" plan. Also, I do not subscribe to the "share the wealth" philosophy. What is this, Robin Hood? I bust my butt to succeed, I should not be obligated to share that with anyone not of my choosing.

To sum up, "I still have almost 3 weeks to make up my mind". Right now, "I am leaning toward "write in"!

"Vote With Your Brain",

Alien Agenda, The Greys Pt 1

If YOU are sick of the economic and political news, try this on for some mind stimulation. Try being "opyn minded" while taking this in.

I will send links for other parts soon.

"We are not alone, never have been",

Friday, October 10, 2008

Global Deforestation & Economic Loss

Nature loss 'dwarfs bank crisis'

The global economy is losing more money from the disappearance of forests than through the current banking crisis, according to an EU-commissioned study.

It puts the annual cost of forest loss at between $2 trillion and $5 trillion.

The figure comes from adding the value of the various services that forests perform, such as providing clean water and absorbing carbon dioxide.

The study, headed by a Deutsche Bank economist, parallels the Stern Review into the economics of climate change.

It has been discussed during many sessions here at the World Conservation Congress.

Some conservationists see it as a new way of persuading policymakers to fund nature protection rather than allowing the decline in ecosystems and species, highlighted in the release on Monday of the Red List of Threatened Species, to continue.

Capital losses

Speaking to BBC News on the fringes of the congress, study leader Pavan Sukhdev emphasised that the cost of natural decline dwarfs losses on the financial markets.

"It's not only greater but it's also continuous, it's been happening every year, year after year," he told BBC News.

"So whereas Wall Street by various calculations has to date lost, within the financial sector, $1-$1.5 trillion, the reality is that at today's rate we are losing natural capital at least between $2-$5 trillion every year."

The review that Mr Sukhdev leads, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (Teeb), was initiated by Germany under its recent EU presidency, with the European Commission providing funding.

The first phase concluded in May when the team released its finding that forest decline could be costing about 7% of global GDP. The second phase will expand the scope to other natural systems.

Stern message

Key to understanding his conclusions is that as forests decline, nature stops providing services which it used to provide essentially for free.

So the human economy either has to provide them instead, perhaps through building reservoirs, building facilities to sequester carbon dioxide, or farming foods that were once naturally available.

Or we have to do without them; either way, there is a financial cost.

The Teeb calculations show that the cost falls disproportionately on the poor, because a greater part of their livelihood depends directly on the forest, especially in tropical regions.

The greatest cost to western nations would initially come through losing a natural absorber of the most important greenhouse gas.

Just as the Stern Review brought the economics of climate change into the political arena and helped politicians see the consequences of their policy choices, many in the conservation community believe the Teeb review will lay open the economic consequences of halting or not halting the slide in biodiversity.

"The numbers in the Stern Review enabled politicians to wake up to reality," said Andrew Mitchell, director of the Global Canopy Programme, an organisation concerned with directing financial resources into forest preservation.

"Teeb will do the same for the value of nature, and show the risks we run by not valuing it adequately."

A number of nations, businesses and global organisations are beginning to direct funds into forest conservation, and there are signs of a trade in natural ecosystems developing, analogous to the carbon trade, although it is clearly very early days.

Some have ethical concerns over the valuing of nature purely in terms of the services it provides humanity; but the counter-argument is that decades of trying to halt biodiversity decline by arguing for the intrinsic worth of nature have not worked, so something different must be tried.

Whether Mr Sukhdev's arguments will find political traction in an era of financial constraint is an open question, even though many of the governments that would presumably be called on to fund forest protection are the ones directly or indirectly paying for the review.

But, he said, governments and businesses are getting the point.

"Times have changed. Almost three years ago, even two years ago, their eyes would glaze over.

"Today, when I say this, they listen. In fact I get questions asked - so how do you calculate this, how can we monetize it, what can we do about it, why don't you speak with so and so politician or such and such business."

The aim is to complete the Teeb review by the middle of 2010, the date by which governments are committed under the Convention of Biological Diversity to have begun slowing the rate of biodiversity loss.

Leave mankind alone for long enough and, his greed and stupidity will be humanities demise. Sooner than later!

Long Live Nature,

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Zeitgeist: Addendum, New Movie, Watch Now

To watch the "new" Zeitgeist: Addendum, click this link Zeitgeist: Addendum
If YOU think YOU are up for it, try wrapping your "mindz" around the new "Zeitgeist" movie. "Zeitgeist: Addendum" was released October 2, 2008. On this link, YOU can also check out "Zeitgeist, The Movie". Zeitgeist - The Movie Enjoy and learn!

"Opyn Your Mindz,"

Monday, October 06, 2008

Tampa Bay Rays Baseball - Congratulations!

Ray-markable! Rays Head to AL Championship Series

CHICAGO (AP) -B.J. Upton and these Tampa Bay Rays are headed home - to get ready for the American League championship series.

Worst in the majors last year, the Rays will play for a spot in the World Series after finishing off the Chicago White Sox 6-2 Monday in Game 4 of the AL playoffs.

Upton homered twice, Andy Sonnanstine pitched a solid 5 2-3 innings and manager Joe Maddon's surprising Rays won 3-1 in the best-of-five series - their first trip to the postseason. Next up, the Boston Red Sox or the Los Angeles Angels starting Friday.

"We feel like we belong and it's showing right now," Upton said.

After staving off elimination several times and winning a tiebreaker for the AL Central title, the White Sox were finally knocked out.

The loss dashed Chicago's hope for a championship - days ago, local fans were thinking the Cubs and White Sox might meet in a Windy City Classic. But the Cubs got swept by the Dodgers and now both teams are done.

"They played better than us. There's no doubt. They pitched better. They execute better. They got big hits," White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen said. "They really did a tremendous job."

Upton, the game's second batter, homered to left-center to put the Rays ahead. He went deep again in the third, driving a full-count pitch from Gavin Floyd to center, and the confident Rays had a two-run cushion.

Tampa Bay, which never won more than 70 games during its 10 previous seasons, went from 96 losses last year to 97 wins and passed the big-spending Red Sox and New York Yankees in the AL East.

"It's a gratifying moment for all of us," Maddon said.

No longer bedeviled, the Rays won all year with young talent and improved pitching. Sonnanstine, who pitched a three-hit shutout against the White Sox at Tropicana Field in April, reversed a late-season slide that saw him go winless in his final seven starts.

He allowed two runs and three hits before J.P Howell relieved. Grant Balfour completed the four-hitter, striking out midseason addition Ken Griffey Jr. to end it.

Upton, who hit only nine homers in 531 at-bats during the regular season, also homered in Sunday's 5-3 loss. Benched by Maddon during the season for not hustling, the talented 24-year-old's power display came against a team that relied on homers all year and led the majors in long balls.

"B.J.'s special," Maddon said. "He's very capable of those types of games."

Tampa Bay increased the lead to 4-0 in the fourth when Carl Crawford walked and scored as veteran Cliff Floyd, a Chicago native, doubled to left. Dioner Navarro followed with an RBI single to finish Floyd.

Paul Konerko hit a solo homer for the White Sox in the bottom half and the white towel-waving crowd dressed in black had a reason to get excited. But Tampa Bay struck right back in the fifth against Clayton Richard as Akinori Iwamura singled and scored on Carlos Pena's single that made it 5-1.

Jermaine Dye hit a solo home run in the sixth to finish Sonnanstine.

"Hats off to him," Upton said. "He threw a great game when we needed it."

Tampa Bay kept adding on and Pena hit his second RBI single in the seventh - after the White Sox intentionally walked Upton. Guillen, apparently upset when a close pitch from Matt Thornton to Pena was called a ball, had a conversation with plate umpire Jeff Kellogg as he headed back to the dugout after a trip to the mound.

The White Sox defeated Cleveland on the final Sunday of the season to get to a makeup game with Detroit the following day. They beat the Tigers and then Minnesota, 1-0.

After losing the first two games of this series at Tropicana Field despite leading in both, the White Sox came back home to win Sunday. And they were hoping for another three-game winning streak - but the Rays were too good.

And now Maddon, who likes fashionable eye wear, fine wines, good books and inspirational slogans, has pushed a decade-long loser onto the doorstep of a pennant.

"We all came together and said we're going to play team ball," Upton said. "That's what we do, day in and day out."

Earlier in the week, Maddon spotted some fans on his way to U.S. Cellular Field wearing "retro Devil Rays stuff." He'll be looking for even more signs of the team's new popularity when he honeymoons in Europe next month.

"My goal is to see someone walking around either Rome or, you know, Barcelona or somewhere with Rays gear on," he added, promising to photograph it.

Maddon pointed to the Rays' ability to bounce back after losing their final seven games before the All-Star break as a big test. And he hasn't spent a lot of time reflecting on how he has taken a team that had 10 straight losing season - with at least 91 losses in each of those years - to the playoffs.

"I really have not permitted myself to totally sit back and absorb all of that yet," Maddon said earlier. "But there's some smaller amounts that I may have had a little bit of a thought like that."

Since it does not look like my NY Mets can close out a season lately, I have to go to the post season with a different team. Since I am pretty much a Florida semi native, I will root for the Tampa Bay Rays. Pretty awesome when YOU can go from "worse to first" in one season.

Go Rays,

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Palin - Biden Debate Overview

Just finished watching the highly anticipated vice presidential debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden. Immediate impression on the outcome, Palin 55%, Biden 45%. In other words, "I think Palin's total overall performance was better". To be fair though, "they both did a good job that should make their respective parties proud".

Sarah Palin does have alot to learn over the next short and long period of time. She is new in the game and needs some time to totally get up to speed. After her performance tonight though, I have no doubt that she is capable of gaining the knowledge she would need to be second in command or higher.

As I have stated in previous postings, "I do have issues with some of her positions on certain things". However, most people have some issues with just about anyone they know. So whats it mean? The biggest problem I have with Sarah Palin is, "she is a Republican"! That is a problem for me because, "I AM NOT A REPUBLICAN NOR WILL I BE". "I am a registered independent with a Libertarian slant". We will get into my views at another time. If more people got off that "party" devotion and voted with their brains and gut instincts, we would more than likely be alot better off. After all, "we are supposed to be humans, NOT freaking sheep"! In all fairness, my lovely wife Mary, cannot stand Sarah Palin. That also goes for my sister-in-law Debbie and a few other family members. That's what is great about living in America. YOU have a choice.

"Opyn Your Mindz, Vote Smart",

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