Saturday, January 14, 2012

Casino Plans Sprout in US as States Seek Revenue - ABC News

Casino Plans Sprout in US as States Seek Revenue - ABC News

Bring on the action, show me the money! That is exactly what Genting is doing! In New York and in Florida. Now, if the local yokel politicians don't screw it up, maybe plans can move forward.

"Opyn Mindz, Better Lives",

Bobby Sharpe

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Galaxy Hosts 100 Billion Planets, in New Estimate

Galaxy Hosts 100 Billion Planets, in New Estimate -

This is freaking awesome!! Think of the possibilities! Yet, there are some of You I'm sure, that think we are the "only game in town". Get with the program humans!

"Opyn Mindz Make Better Lives",

Bobby Sharpe

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