Sunday, April 16, 2006

No Ticket, No Win=Your Stupid

Okay, so, the odds of you winning the lottery are over the top. Tell that to the people who have been "struck by lightening" or, "attacked by jaws". Yeah, the odds are high, but, somebody is going to win that money. Why not you? Let me tell you why certain people wont win. Main reason: they did not buy a ticket!

Now, why did these people not buy a ticket? Main reason: they're stupid! Have you ever heard some of the reasons why people do not buy lottery tickets? 1)the odds are to long; 2)I'm not gonna win(I'm a loser); 3)the lottery does not do with the money what I want them to do; 4)gambling is a sin(I'm a loser); 5)it's a waste of money, I'd rather buy a 6 pack(I'm a loser). These are some of the main excuses you will here for not playing the lottery. On the bright side though, it is just as well these people do not buy tickets. Because, if they did win, they are so stupid, they would screw the money up anyway.

Since we have taken care of the "Stupid People", lets get down to business. The Florida Lottery for Wednesday, April 19, 2006, is worth at least $82 Million. A couple of "hot overdue numbers" you might want to play are: 8, 17, 18, 22, 27, 33, 38, 50, 53. You can do combinations of these to do different amounts of sets. Depending on what you want to invest. If three or more of the numbers in this set come out, you would have multiple hits depending on how many sets you play.

One last thing. If you invest your money to play for this big cash, "CHECK YOUR TICKET THE NEXT DAY"! Florida has more unclaimed" lotto winners than any other state. Why? Because people buy these tickets with their hard earned money and are "too stupid" to check the tickets to see if they won. Duh!

Good Luck Wednesday, and, play smart!

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