Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Click It OR Ticket This!

Take the poll on the right side of page!

Well, here we go again! As I have stated many times before on this blog and other places, "either I am totally ignorant, OR, my intellect is light years ahead of the so called "powers that be", our elected or appointed, political officials".

As we get ready for the long Memorial Day Weekend 2007, our "rocket scientist" leaders choose to bombard and saturate the print and electronic media with ads for their "click it or ticket"campaign to save US from ourselves. They have even gone the "religious" scare tactic route. "If you get a ticket, it will cost YOU $70 whatever dollars". "However, if you have a wreck, and are not wearing your belt, the medical cost could be astronomical". Could ruin your life in many ways. I am shaking in my boots! Give me a freaking break! That's like saying, "if you buy that beach house, you could get wiped out by a tsunami or hurricane". If YOU plan on disaster, YOU will get disaster!

The first quarter of this year 2007, Orlando area tourism is DOWN .9 % over the same period as last year. Our crime rate last year, was through the roof. This year, MAY TOP LAST YEAR! People shooting people, hi-jacking cars, dealing drugs, smashing vehicles into buildings so they can enter and rob the place and robbing and mugging tourist. So, with all this CRIME going on, "let's take our law enforcement agents and get out on the roads and harass people for NOT wearing a seatbelt"! "Hey, as a tax paying citizen, I want MY police/sheriffs out catching real criminals". NOT pussy footing around annoying other tax paying citizens with their "seatbelt bullshit"! Makes perfect sense to me and quite a few people I know.

Yeah, seatbelts save lives. If I choose to wear one, that's on ME! Unless YOU are making my car payment, or, supporting ME, "write the ticket, because I AM NOT WEARING MY BELT UNLESS I DECIDE TO DO IT. Ticket that!

Oh, unless law enforcement actually starts cracking down on "real criminals", don't call my house for a donation!

"The more YOU know, the more YOU grow,

The more YOU grow, the further YOU go",

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