Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Oolong Tea Takes Off Pounds

Scientists 'Prove' Tea Can Help Fight Obesity

BEIJING (June 6) - Chinese scientists have proved it -- tea can help make you thin.

Researchers spent five years studying obesity, with the focus on children, the China Daily said.

"They found that the polyphenol compound in tea -- especially Oolong tea -- can help obese people battle the bulge," the newspaper said. "Scientists have proved that drinking tea can help people lose weight."

Guo Xirong, director of the Nanjing Institute for Paediatrics, particularly recommends Oolong tea, the newspaper said.

Chinese have long believed in the link between tea and weight loss, something an Oolong tea Internet home page espouses.

"It has been confirmed that the continuous intake of Oolong tea contributes to enhancing the function of fat metabolism and to controlling obesity," it says of a tea produced and consumed primarily in the southeast of the country.

I have said for many years now, going back to when I had my store in New Jersey and when Arizona and Sobe started putting out their teas, "that tea has some unbelievable health benefits".

I have been drinking primarily, green tea, black tea, red tea and recently, white tea. For a while, Sobe put out an Oolong Tea. Now however, you need to get the Oolong tea bags and make your own. It, along with all the rest, are better fresh brewed and not diluted with other stuff such as sugar, lemon, cream or milk. A little honey is cool.

Hey, it is a healthy inexpensive way to lose or keep the extra punds off. And the stuff is good! Can't beat that! Plus, I am sure some of YOU could use a little help in the weight department. LOL Don't we all?

"The more YOU know, the more YOU grow,
The more YOU grow, the further YOU go"

Bobby Sharpe email:

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