Sunday, September 09, 2007

Question That Needs An Answer

Say hello to my furrie friend
Just wanted to start this post Labor Day week off by wishing everyone a great fall season. Hope your summer was inspiring, productive and, fun. Now it is time to get down to reality and move forward.


While sitting at the breakfast table this past Sunday morning with my wife Mary engaging in a little worldly conversation, this question came to mind. "How come our 17 year old son can go to war, and possibly get killed, in Iraq or Afghanistan, but, he can not get a job as a game tester for video war games etc at Electronic Arts video game company"? He has to be 18 to be a game tester, but, can play real life war games with real weapons and consequences at 17! Excuse me, but, "what kind of American, democratic, political, moralistic, ignorant bullsh_t is that"?

I really would like an intelligent answer to this question. YOU can leave a comment or email me at Now is a good time to use your "OPYN MINDZ".

"The more YOU know, the more YOU grow,
The more YOU grow, the further YOU go"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good question, indeed! Although, the reality is you can sign a waiver for Sean to enlist but legally he cannot engage or be "combat ready" until after training which would take him to age 18. However, I CANNOT speak for Corporation hiring policy. For that matter why do you have to be 21 to drink an alcoholic beverage but you can fight a war at 18?

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