Monday, October 01, 2007

Candace Poblador, Artist & Web Designer

You know, a bunch of the people that know me, think alot of weird stuff about me. I'm arrogant, pushy, conceited, a jerk, an idiot, a mister know it all and on and on. Well, guess what, "they are right". If YOU don't believe in yourself and what YOU bring to the table, how are YOU going to get anyone else to believe? And as hard as I believe in myself, that is how hard I believe in my niece, Candace.

Ever since I first met Candace, when she was 15 years old, I knew she was someone special. She has proven over the years that she is. Not only is she one of the nicest caring people YOU will ever meet, she is also an "awesomely talented" soul. That is why I have asked her to design the dragons and book cover for the novel I am in the process of completing. Her art work, creativity and imagination are unique and stand alone.

If YOU need some art work or a web page design, Candace Poblador is no further away than an email. If YOU would like to check out some of her work, go to myauntberenice This is her website which is being updated and refreshed on a regular basis. Here, YOU can get a feel for her work and energy. You can also contact her through the site. Hey, check it out before she gets totally swamped. I will have some stuff up also of some of her dragon sketches in the near future.

If for nothing else, stop by her site and say hello to a really cool human being.

Peace & Love,

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