Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Hillary Clinton Dissed By "Super Idiots"

Well, it looks like Barack Obama is going to get the nod to run for president. Seems that he has crossed the line for the number of delegates needed to get the nomination. Thanks to the wimpy mush brained "super delegates". "What in the hell were YOU idiots thinking?" Oh, that's right, "YOU didn't want to seem racist and offend blacks". My bad. Doesn't matter if YOU literally "screw" the women again. I guess your philosophy there is, "hell, we've been dissing women for so long, one more time wont matter". That is why I am no longer a democrat. "YOU people are freaking idiots!"

Hang in there Hillary. The Universe and the Earth have ways of making things work out to the way they should be. YOU pretty much have proven that YOU are the "peoples" candidate. Go for it with all YOU have. Though I am but one vote, I am with YOU all the way. Unless YOU convince me to vote for Obama, YOU will be my write in candidate.

Women Should Rule,

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