Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin, Republican VP Choice

You know, I'm not sure whether it's because I have gotten older, or, wiser or more enlightened, but, I am seeing things alot differently then I saw them years ago. Though most of my thoughts and perspectives have remained the same, I am still basically a "liberal" at heart, some of my takes ARE different.

I am still "pro choice" under any circumstances. I do support the 2nd amendment and believe bigtime in the right to own and bear weapons. I also believe in legalizing just about everything, ie, marijuana, gambling, prostitution etc. I also believe strongly in protecting the environment, and, foremost, "all of the other inhabitants of this planet". However, I also believe that "any resources that have been placed upon this planet are here to be used by us". Therefore, we should make every attempt possible to obtain and use what the universe, the Creator, and the planet have given us. Albeit, doing it as safely and as prudently as possible so not to jeopardize other forms of life and the environment that we live in.

With all of this being said, although she is "pro life" and "hunts", I was glad to see that Alaska's governor, Sarah Palin, was picked to be the VP running mate for the Republican party. Having read a bunch of stuff on her, she should be a credit to any party anywhere. She should also be a credit to the female species. Click on the link and make your own decision on this genuine soul. Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The more YOU know, the more YOU grow,
The more YOU grow, the further YOU go"

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