Fight Colds With These Immunity Boosters!
'Tis the season for colds, coughs and flus. With holiday festivities just around the corner, the last place you want to be is home in bed feeling sick. While you're doing your holiday party planning, also plan to build up your immune system with these top searched immunity boosters.
When I was younger, my mom would give me ginger ale and toast with cinnamon every time I got sick. Turns out, she knew exactly what to do to help me get over my cold. Ginger and cinnamon are two of the most searched foods that improve your immune system health. Cinnamon, while great in desserts, is also rich in antioxidants that inhibit bacteria from growing.
On a cold winter morning, instead of reaching for coffee, reach for a cup of Assam tea. Studies show that this tea, herbal green tea, or any tea for that matter, contains nutrients that promote intestinal health. Because 70 percent of your immune system is in your digestive tract, a few cups of tea a day could keep the doctor away. The health benefits of tea are so strong that they are available as pills, like Mega Green tea supplement.
Bacteria has gotten a bad rap. Most people don't realize that some bacterias, like number four on our list, are actually good for you. Probiotics support the immune cells in your digestive tract that produce germ-fighting antibodies. While you can get your dose with supplements, like Garden of Life probiotics, a more delicious option is to eat probiotic-rich yogurt.
It is never too late to strengthen your immune system. Even if you do come down with a cold, immune-boosting vitamins and minerals can help you get over it fast. The best cold medicines contain Vitamin C and Zinc, which has been proven to shorten the length of cold symptoms.
How do you fight colds? Let us know! Find more immunity boosters on AOL Search.
This is some really great info. Especially since we are into the season for the nasty colds etc. Not to mention that it is always good to have your immune system running at its best. For a list of cool things to help YOU stay healthy, go toFight Colds With These Immunity Boosters! - AOL Hot Searches There is a top ten searched immunity booster list at the end of the article.
"The More YOU Know,
The Healthier YOU Be",
1 comment:
good advice,,im drinking a cup of herbal tea right now.
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