Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy "I Have An Excuse To Get Drunk" Day

I know that today is your day to get totally inebriated in the name of a saint. So, I will keep this fairly short. As you well know, the Earth is being overrun with stupid people. Therefore, I will give some of you enough knowledge that you might not be considered stupid anymore.

March 17th was the day St. Patrick set aside as the day for the "religious feast" in Ireland. It was, in essence, a religious holiday. March 17th also marks the anniversary of the death of St. Patrick in the 5th century.

The 1st St. Patrick's Day parade was March 17, 1762 by Irish soldiers in New York City to show their unity and traditions of their homeland. St. Patricks Day is now celebrated in the United States, Australia, Japan, Ireland, Canada, Russia and Singapore. Until the 1970's, pubs in Ireland were closed on St. Patricks's Day as it was still celebrated as a religious holiday. In 1995 though, the government basically said, "let's get it on, partyyyy".

One last note, then you can go and get wasted. St. Patrick did not chase the snakes out of Ireland. How do I know this? Yo, dumb ass, "THERE WERE NOT ANY SNAKES IN IRELAND! However, you see the picture of the "bushmaster" on this page? Go to south Central America or northern South America and try to drive this bad boy somewhere. It will tune you up bigtime! However, you drink enough of that "green grog", you might be stupid enough to try it. Here is something for you to do if you are bored and want to see what kind of poisonous snakes can jack you up anywhere on the planet. SurvivalIQ Handbook: Survival Skills - Fer-de-lance description, habitat and p

Have a safe and great St. Patty's Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Impressive background info on St. Patty's Day, my Irish husband didn't even know all of that.

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