Monday, March 27, 2006


Actual Footage from Snakes on a Plane. Oh Dear.

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. We all knew that, one day, we'd have to stop imagining the greatness that would be Snakes on a Plane, and be forced to submit to how the movie actually was going to look.

Well, friends, I'm in mourning, because that day is here. No more pretending that it's going to be hilarious, campy fun. No more mental images of a plane, waist-deep in snakes. No more joy. No more fun. From now on, it's just real footage of crappy, fake snakes, bad acting, and the creeping realization that the movie was always going to suck, and not even in a fun way.

Now, this isn't the full trailer or anything, so maybe I'm wrong - perhaps those reshoots Erik told us about are going to kick the whole thing up about 100 notches and turn it into the rocking flick of our collective imaginations.

Right now, though? I gotta be honest. I feel like I might cry.

You know, there is a lot of serious shit going on in the world. Which, I do try to stay on top of and keep you informed of. However, I do possess a sarcastic humorous personality also. That's why I posted this story. Plus, being on an airplane thousands of feet in the sky, filled with SNAKES, that is also SOME SERIOUS SHIT!

Hey, enjoy, and, feel free to post your comments.TagWorld :: snakesonaplane's Home

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