Florida's first theme park closed again this week. Nobody can make Cypress Gardens competitive anymore, except me! Novel idea. How about making it Florida's first sanctioned "casino/resort"? Polk County has a terrible unemployment rate. It would create jobs! And, the senior population would support it along with the tourist. AND, the state would benefit, not the Seminole tribe.
Why does it take the humans that are supposedly in charge, such a long time to figure out what the masses see in a flash? Are we that much more advanced than the people in office, or, is it the same old question of everything, "what's in it for me"? Come on government, at least make an effort to get something right...
"Wake Up",
Bobby Sharpe(find me on Face Book)
It has been awhile since I put up a blog post. This came about for a variety of reasons. Namely, my pc getting jacked up. Have not gotten around to getting it squared away yet. This is my preferred equipment to post on. Secondly, I have been spending too much time working to try to stay ahead of the curve in this crappy economy. Thirdly, the dog days of summer were not really giving up alot of stuff I was interested in blogging on. However, I am going to try to get back on track since there is alot of stuff coming our way.
One of the things that is of paramount interest to me and lot of others, is the weather/climate. There are many changes taking place on our planet now and should constantly be monitored. Such as http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/09/02/indonesia.earthquake/
There is also much volcanic activity taking place around the globe these days.
"Pay Attention",
Bobby Sharpe