Friday, July 25, 2008

Alien Visitors Then and Now

Astronaut Claims Alien Cover-Up

Former NASA astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell told a British radio host this week that governments have been covering up contact with aliens for more than six decades, The Daily Telegraph reported.

The 77-year-old veteran of the Apollo 14 mission said, "I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we’ve been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real."

"It's been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so," he said, "but slowly it's leaked out and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it."

Mitchell claimed the infamous 1947 incident in Roswell, N.M., where several people saw an alien spacecraft crash, did in fact happen. The military has said the so-called spacecraft was actually a weather balloon.

NASA quickly downplayed Mitchell’s comments. "Dr. Mitchell is a great American, but we do not share his opinions on this issue," a statement from the space agency read. "NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe."

Who am I or, who are YOU to go against what a bonafide astronaut has to say. If anyone should know, he should. Besides, how close minded, naive, and just plain ignorant do YOU have to be to think that we are the only life forms in this massive Universe?

As I have stated before in other postings, "man did NOT build the pyramids or Machu Picchu". Therefore, it might be safe to say that they were built by "off planet" visitors. What do YOU think?

"Opyn Your Mindz",

Aurora Borealis/Northern Lights Trigger

Scientists Find Trigger for Northern Lights

Scientists say they have discovered what makes the northern lights dance.

Researchers working on a NASA mission to understand the interplay of magnetic fields and charged particles blown outward from the Sun have identified the trigger for the colorful electrical storms in the polar regions. They hope this is a step in developing reliable forecasts of geomagnetic storms that can disrupt satellites in orbit and power grids on the ground.

The findings appeared in an article published Thursday on the Web site of the journal Science.

Scientists have long known that the dancing auroras of color known as the northern and southern lights are generated by charged particles flying from the Sun and interacting with the Earth’s magnetic field, which is then pulled into a windsock shape by the solar wind.

Turbulent storms on the Sun generate extremely bright auroral displays, but even in quieter times, smaller events known as substorms still generate the lights.

“They happen every three or four hours,” said Vassilis Angelopoulos, a professor of earth and space sciences at University of California, Los Angeles, and principal investigator of a NASA mission called Themis, short for Time, History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms. “The Earth’s environment stores energy. Then all of a sudden it releases it.”

Each substorm generates a current of about one million to two million amps over one to two hours, or a total energy equivalent to a magnitude-5 or magnitude-6 earthquake, Dr. Angelopoulos said.

Scientists knew two events that occur in the tail of the magnetic field during substorms, but did not know which event acted as the trigger for the auroras.

Over the past 30 years, some scientists have believed that a disruption in the current of charged particles — similar to the blowing of an electric fuse, the scientists said — about one-sixth of the distance from the Earth to the Moon’s orbit was responsible. Others believed it was a snapping of magnetic field lines farther out, about one-third of the distance to the Moon.

To answer the question, the Themis mission launched five identical satellites, each about the size of a washing machine, to measure the electric and magnetic fields as well as the particles passing by at different locations around Earth. Coupled with ground observations, scientists were able to deduce the order of events in a substorm in February.

The snapping of magnetic fields occurred first, followed by a burst of auroras. Surprisingly, the disruption in the charged particle current occurred after the aurora. Proponents of that hypothesis had thought that the magnetic snapping caused the change in electric current and that, in turn, led to the auroras.

“This defies our old paradigms,” Dr. Angelopoulos said.

Next, Dr. Angelopoulos said, scientists will try to figure out exactly why the magnetic field lines snap. With a better understanding of substorms, scientists would like to understand what happens during the larger storms. They hope to have better prediction methods working by the time the next peak of solar storms arrives between 2010 and 2012.

This is some really cool stuff. Regardless of what causes this whole light display and show, it is one of the most incredible things YOU will ever see. I cant wait to get somewhere close enough to see the display up close and personal.

The Universe Rules,

Monday, July 21, 2008

Volcanoes, Rulers Of The Planet

Volcanic 'flood' linked to extinction

A huge outpouring of molten rock 250 million years ago may have been the decisive factor in the deaths of nearly all lifeforms on the Earth at that time.

The lava that gushed out of the ground was at least twice as extensive as previously thought, a team of international researchers now reports.

Its work suggests the "volcanic flood" was a kilometre and a half deep and covered an area half the size of Australia.

Its timing coincides with the disappearance from the fossil record of up to 90% of all marine species and 70% of land vertebrates.

Researchers suspect the upwelling released vast quantities of gas into the atmosphere, rapidly changing environmental conditions and making it impossible for most lifeforms to continue.

Wider area

Marc Reichow, from the University of Leicester, UK, and colleagues report their findings in the journal Science.

The flood basalts they studied produced the Siberian Traps, volcanic rocks found across a region of Russia called the Siberian Platform.

The Anglo-Russian research team examined rocks taken from deep boreholes in the Western Siberian Basin, nearly 1,000 kilometres west of the Siberian Platform.

From the age and chemistry of the rocks, the researchers determined that they are also part of the Siberian Traps.

The new results suggest that the total extent of the Traps covered around 3.9 million square kilometres. This is equivalent to an area just over half the size of Australia.

Later flood

The Permian-Triassic extinction is the largest, sudden disappearance of life recognised in the fossil record.

Some scientists strongly suspect the impact of an asteroid or comet may also have played a significant role.

American researchers have found chemical traces in rocks from the time which they believe point to an extraterrestrial collision.

Whatever the causes, the mass extinction is believed to have opened the way for the dinosaurs to take charge of the planet.

Their disappearance 65 million years ago has also been linked to a space impactor and another flood basalt event centred on what is now India and Pakistan.

Everyday YOU hear about all the "green" people of today talking about saving and helping the planet. What these "pale yellows" should be worrying about is saving mankind and the species. There is nothing humans can do to destroy this planet. It will simply regroup and come back better than before. On the other hand, civilizations and life have been made extinct many times before. And Yes, we will join that list at some point sooner or later. Bank that!

For a closer look at the planets volcanoes and locations, go toGlobal Volcanism Program Volcanoes of the World Find a Volcano by Region

Long Live Planet Earth,

Volcanoes, As They Go, The Planet Goes

Underwater volcano erupting
Sea die-out blamed on volcanoes

Undersea volcanic activity has been blamed for a mass extinction in the seas 93 million years ago.

In the so-called "anoxic event" of the late Cretaceous Period, the ocean depths became starved of oxygen, wiping out swathes of marine organisms.

Researchers from the University of Alberta, Canada, found a tell-tale signature of underwater volcanism in rocks dating to the period.

Their findings have been published in the journal Nature.

At the time of the anoxic event, the average temperatures were higher than those of today, researchers say.

Palm trees grew in what would later become Alaska and large reptiles roamed northern Canada. The Arctic Ocean was ice-free and scientists think it would have had a temperature we might describe today as lukewarm.

However, the oceans were also hit by a mass extinction which wiped out a type of large clam common at the time as well as tiny ocean creatures known as foraminifera, which live on the sea floor.

Ocean chemistry

Helped by a sudden sluggish shift in ocean circulation, the remains of these minuscule organisms littered the sea bed in thick layers, and over geological time became transformed into oil.

After the extinction, levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere dropped and Earth lurched into a sudden, but short-lived, period of cooling.

Geologists have pondered for years as to the cause of this extraordinary event.

According to Steve Turgeon and Robert Creaser from Alberta's department of Earth and atmospheric sciences, the answer to the cataclysm lies in volcanic eruptions which took place on the ocean floor.

These appear to have altered the chemistry of the sea and possibly of the atmosphere also.

The clue can be found in levels of two forms, or isotopes, of osmium found in black shale rocks.

The sedimentary rocks they analysed came from cores drilled from the sea bed off the coast of South America, and from mountains in Italy.

Future warming

The bed of the present-day Caribbean was formed by the huge lava flows thought to have been involved. However, the researchers say the flows would have preceded the extinction by up to 23,000 years.

Two theories, which are not mutually exclusive, have emerged to explain the chemistry of what happened next, says Tim Bralower, a geologist at Pennsylvania State University, US, who reviewed the paper.

One possibility is that the volcanoes spewed out metal-rich fluids that seeded the upper level of the ocean with micronutrients, he says.

Tiny life forms on the sea surface, called phytoplankton, gorged on the food, and storing up carbon as they grew. They then sank to the sea floor and decayed, stripping the ocean of oxygen.

The other is that the volcanoes disgorged clouds of CO2 to the atmosphere, warming the climate to the extent that Earth's ocean circulation system ground to a near-halt.

Beyond the surface layers, water was no longer turned over and anoxia (lack of oxygen) was the result.

Dr Bralower says that figuring out the post-volcanism scenario could help scientists wrestling with some of the unknowns of climate change today.

These include the impact of higher temperatures on marine circulation and whether controversial schemes to sow the ocean with iron filings, to spur phytoplankton growth and thus soak up CO2 from the atmosphere, would ease warming or cause oxygen starvation in the ocean depths.

Even though they are perceived as "monsters" and the worse the planet has to offer, without volcanoes, we more than likely would not be here. To continue this read, click this link Bobby Sharpe's " Opyn Mindz": Volcanoes, Rulers Of The Planet

"Bad and Good Are perceptual,
Volcanoes just are..................."

Friday, July 18, 2008

Bi-Racial Twins, One Black, One White

Two in a Million: Twins Born - One Black, One White

Twins with different skin colors — one black and the other white — have been born in Berlin, Germany.

Doctors say it is an extremely rare occurrence, but it is possible if genes combine in a certain way.

The twin boys, named Ryan and Leo, are the offspring of a mixed-race couple.

The mother, Florence, hails from Ghana in western Africa, and dad, Stephan, is from Potsdam in Germany.

"Ryan came first, and everything was as usual," said the hospital's doctor, Birgit Weber. "But when Leo was born, I couldn't believe my eyes."

"Both kids have definitely the same father," the doctor added.
Click here to read more and see video of the twins from Sky News.

How cool is this? These people need to be buying lottery tickets. They obviously know how to beat the odds. Bi-racial souls are the wave of the future. Plus, a benefit to humanity.

"Diversity Rules",

Bobby Sharpe Bobby Sharpe's "Animalz": Bears And Snakes, Wrong Place, Wrong Time "Dragon, Book Of Shang": "Dragon, Book Of Shang" "NEW" Reviews & Update

Sunday, July 13, 2008

"NEW" Volcanic Activity Globally

Llaima Volcano, Chile
Volcano on Alaskan Island Erupts

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (July 13) - A fishing vessel rescued 10 people after a volcano erupted, sending rocks and ash down on a cattle ranch on a remote island in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska.

The Tara Gaila picked up the people Saturday evening after receiving an urgent call from the Coast Guard. The fishing vessel brought them to Dutch Harbor about 65 miles away, where they were staying at a hotel on Sunday.

There were no reported injuries, said Coast Guard Petty Officer Levi Read.

Lonnie Kennedy, who lives on Umnak Island at the base of the 3,500-foot volcano with members of his family and a couple of ranch hands, said all seemed normal until late Saturday morning.

"We heard something that sounded like thunder and went outside and right away realized it wasn't thunder. It sounded like huge rocks rolling or something," he said. "I told everyone it sounds like the volcano is blowing up and we need a plan to get out of here."

For the latest on this volcanic activity of the Okmok Caldera Crater and some of the most awesome pictures of volcanos doing their thing, go to Volcano on Alaskan Island Erupts - AOL News

This is but one more example of the recent volvanic activity going on around the planet these days. I just got off the phone with my brother Billy, who lives on the Big Island in Hawaii. He lives near the base of Kilauea Volcano which just had lava eruptions July 8, 2008. The lava there flows to the ocean.

Also, starting on July 3, 2008, Llaima Volcano in Cherquenco, Chile, one of South Americas most active volcanos, started erupting ash clouds and lava. This, comes on the heels of Chaiten Volcano which started erupting in May 2008. Chaiten has all but totally destroyed Chaiten, Chile and continues to erupt after thousands of years of dormancy.

Last but not least, Ijen Volcano, in Bondowoso, Indonesia started erupting on June 21, 2008.

Based on the pundits and believers of the "2012" prophecy, "increased volcanic activity will be a prelude to things to come".Bobby Sharpe's "Techertainment": "2012" The Movie, "2012" The Prophecy

"We need volcanos, My dragons need somwhere to live,"

Sunday, July 06, 2008

2012 Apocalypse Or Something Else

Polar view of the Milky Way
Thousands Expect Apocalypse in 2012

Survival groups around the world are gearing up and counting down to a mysterious date that has been anticipated for thousands of years: Dec. 21, 2012.

Across the United States, Canada and throughout Europe, apocalyptic sects and individuals say that is the day that the world as we know it will end, reports.

Ancient Mayan societies, known for their advanced mathematics and astronomy, followed a "long count" calendar that lasted 5,126 years. When their charts are translated to the Gregorian calendar, the international standard used today, time runs out on Dec. 21, 2012.

Believers say there are other links besides just the Mayan calendar that portend catastrophe. The sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way for the first time in about 26,000 years on the same day, which marks the winter solstice. Some say that will disrupt the energy flow to Earth, or that the high rate of sunspots or sun flares that NASA has predicted for 2012 could affect Earth magnetic fields.

Scientists have tried to squash the doomsday scenario as another empty prophecy, but it’s clear there are thousands who consider the possibility of a worldwide catastrophe occurring on that date very real.

"You have to understand, there will be nothing, nothing left," Patrick Geryl told ABC News. "We will have to start an entire civilization from scratch." Geryl, a 53-year-old former laboratory worker who lives in Belgium, quit his job two years ago after he saved up enough money to last him until December 2012. He’s now stocking survival supplies, a list of which runs 11 pages long.

Geryl is certainly not the only one. Searching for "2012 the end of the world" on Google brings up nearly 700,000 hits. More than 6,500 video posts about the day have been posted on YouTube. There are also countless books on the topic, many published in the wake of the success of Daniel Pinchbeck's "2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl," which has been selling thousands of copies each month since it was released last May.

But what do believers think will happen on Dec. 21, 2012? Some say a polar reversal, where the north pole becomes the south, where the sun rises in the west, triggering natural disasters around the world. Others say the date marks a worldwide spiritual awakening.

Experts laugh off these notions. "These prophecies of doom really don't have any basis in what we know about the Maya," said Stephen Houston, an anthropology professor at Brown University and an expert in Maya hieroglyphic writing. "The Maya descriptions barely talk about this event." He said the Mayans saw their calendar coming to an end on the date, but then starting over without any catastrophes.

"Really, it's a conversion of people’s anxieties about our times, and finding some remote mythological precedent or prediction of it," he said. "People like to believe that ancient wisdom is somehow predicting this time of upheaval."

As with most things in this world, humans tend to take everything to the utmost extremes. YOU have the "believers" freaking out and calling for the end of the world etc. Then, YOU have the "non-believers" pooh poohing the whole thing totally like they really know anything.

The real deal is that the "calendar or cycle", ends on this particular date. On this particular date, there will be an alignment as stated above. Right now, what happens when this alignment takes place, is anybody's guess. NOBODY KNOWS FOR SURE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER!

In short, "get on with your life and, just pay attention"!
Knowledge Rules, Speculation Is Ignorance,

(ps) If the world is going to end in 2012 and YOU don't have a copy of "Dragon, Book Of Shang", YOU need to get a copy of my book NOW! "Dragon, Book Of Shang": Dragon, Book Of Shang "NEW" Reviews Etc

Friday, July 04, 2008

Jerry Demings, New Sheriff For Orange County, Fl

In this year, 2008, of big elctions and typical political mumbo jumbo, one race in Central Florida is of more importance than any of the other races, national or local. This race is for Orange County Florida Sheriff. This position is responsible for the well being of our local citizens, our tourist visitors and our business travelers. All of which are most important to our particular piece of real estate in the state. This position demands a leader that can pull all concerned parties and assets together into one smooth uninterrupted continuous operation. That leader is Jerry Demings.

Jerry has proven himself time and time again in various positions of service to the Central Florida Community. ALL of the community! Not only does he know law enforcement, he knows people. He also know finances and the economy.

I have been knowing Jerry and especially his Dad, Freddy, for near 30 years now. There are not any more "straight up, honest to goodness, right down the middle" people then the Demings family. YOU can bank that! If every politician was as centered as Jerry Demings, such as Barack Obama, they would be fairing alot better at the polls and with all of the voters. For more info/involvement with the Jerry Demings campaign, go to Jerry Demings for Orange County Sheriff Home

"This, Is Someone YOU Can Believe In",

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Earth Noises In Space, Are They Heard By Others

Earth's Noisy Cries Recorded in Space

(July 1) - Earth emits an ear-piercing series of chirps and whistles that could be heard by any aliens who might be listening, astronomers have discovered.

The sound is awful, a new recording from space reveals.

Scientists have known about the radiation since the 1970s. It is created high above the planet, where charged particles from the solar wind collide with Earth's magnetic field. It is related to the phenomenon that generates the colorful aurora, or Northern Lights.

The radio waves are blocked by the ionosphere, a charged layer atop our atmosphere, so they do not reach Earth. That's good, because the out-of-this-world radio waves are 10,000 times stronger than even the strongest military signal, the researchers said, and they would overwhelm all radio stations on the planet.

Theorists had long figured the radio waves, which were not well studied, oozed into space in an ever-widening cone, like light from a torch.

But new data from the European Space Agency's Cluster mission, a group of four high-flying satellites, reveals the bursts of radio waves head off to the cosmos in beam-like fashion, instead.

This means they're more detectable to anyone who might be listening.

The Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR), as it is called, is beamed out in a narrow plane, as if someone had put a mask over a torch and left a slit for the radiation to escape.

This flat beam could be detected by aliens who've figured this process out, the researchers say. The knowledge could also be used by Earth's astronomers to detect planets around other stars, if they can build a new radio telescope big enough for the search. They could also learn more about Jupiter and Saturn by studying AKR, which should emit from the auroral activity on those worlds, too.

"Whenever you have aurora, you get AKR," said Robert Mutel, a University of Iowa researcher involved in the work.

The AKR bursts -- Mutel and colleagues studied 12,000 of them -- originate in spots the size of a large city a few thousand miles above Earth and above the region where the Northern Lights form.

"We can now determine exactly where the emission is coming from," Mutel said.

I know alot of YOU are not into this stuff, however, it is fascinating and opens the door to various possibilties. Who knows who could be listening to us.

Space, The Biggest Frontier,

Friend Connect