Monday, January 31, 2011

US Health Care Bill Proposal

So, if the problem with the "health care bill" is making people buy in, get rid of that provision and go to plan "B". A national lottery with all the after payout proceeds going into the "health/socialized medicine" coffers. In conjunction with "legalized TAXED marijuana" proceeds...c'mon, push the envelope and get this sh*t done!!
All this country does is come up with reasons why we CAN'T do shit! Doesn't anybody have any imagination and stones?

"Be Creative, Do Something",
Bobby Sharpe

US Health Care Bill Proposal

So, if the problem with the "health care bill" is making people buy in, get rid of that provision and go to plan "B". A national lottery with all the after payout proceeds going into the "health/socialized medicine" coffers. In conjunction with "legalized TAXED marijuana" proceeds...c'mon, push the envelope and get this sh*t done!!
All this country does is come up with reasons why we CAN'T do shit! Doesn't anybody have any imagination and stones?

"Be Creative, Do Something",
Bobby Sharpe

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Religion Strikes Again(Below the belt),0,7494257.story

Some of my friends, and yes sadly enough, some family members wonder why I am so down on religion/church/god and all that myth crap. Well, here is a very good reason! Westboro Baptist Church assholes demonstrating and protesting at this poor 9 year olds funeral service. IN THE NAME OF YOUR FICTITIOUS GOD! You brain dead, insecure, ignorant waste of the universe's energy need to wake the f**k up and start questioning your life and belief system!!!!!


Bobby Sharpe

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