Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Religious Fanatic Jerry Falwell, Passed

Famed Televangelist Dies at Age 73

LYNCHBURG, Va. (May 15) - The Rev. Jerry Falwell , known both for his scathing comments linking the Sept. 11 attacks to homosexuality and liberals and for shaping the conservative Christian right into a major force in U.S. politics during the Reagan years, died Tuesday. He was 73.

As one of my friends and one of my "spiritual" teachers always tells me, "everything you do and think should be with a positive approach". Even when it is a "negative" event, you should turn it into a positive as best as possible. So, let me try and take a crack at this with the passing of Jerry Falwell.

I do NOT rejoice at the passing of anyone or any thing. Though in some instances, it's like, "oh well"! In Jerry Falwell's situation, I am not happy OR sad. As a matter of fact, his passing kind of fits with my beliefs on "crossing over". It is highly inevitable and is "synchronized" to play out exactly the way, where, and the time that it takes place. In the world of "spiritualism", passing, crossing over, or, dyeing, is not looked upon as such a terrible thing. But, as a freeing of the "soul" to move on to higher places and the next challenge. However, all of THAT is for another time and posting.

The positive aspect of Falwell's passing is, "we now have one less "righteous, so called God fearing, moralistic, close minded, to far to the right zealot trying to tell us how to live our lives and regulate our morals as if we do not have "free will" to figure that stuff out for ourselves. And all of this being perpetuated through "religious fear". We don't do as we are told, we invoke the "wrath of God"! Don't want that happening. Do we?

In all respect, Jerry Falwell was no better or worse than any of the other "religious fanatics" on this Earth. And just like them, it is all done through "fear". That's religion for you. However, the ones who should be morned on this day, are the "pale yellow" souls who are so easily sucked in by uninformed "prophets" like this.

Jerry Falwell formed "The Moral Majority". He is now a member of "The SILENT Majority". You can get more of this story at iWon News - TV Evangelist Jerry Falwell Dies at 73 Top News- Famed Televangelist Dies at Age 73 - AOL News

"The more YOU know, the more YOU grow,

The more YOU grow, the further YOU go,"


Anonymous said...

Falwell, I agree was a fanatic. But what did he have to "fear", heaven? Is there some fear of spending eternal life with the God who created him or us?

Steve said...

Hi Bobby.

I think you and I see might eye to eye on some things. I'm at stevek2007.blogspot.com - I'm enjoying your writing...

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