Saturday, July 28, 2007

Fast Food, Fat YOU, Grilling Tips

Here are a couple of things that YOU might not have known that will make your grilling experience alot more pleasing. Remember, "opyn mindz", that's how YOU learn stuff!

1. Prevent burger bulge by pressing your thumb into the center of patties while they're still raw. They'll fill out again as the meat cooks.

2. Hands off! While constantly flipping the burgers might make you feel like you're really playing with fire, it doesn't do much good for your meat's moisture. For killer grill marks and a juicy patty, let the meat sit on the hot grill for at least a few minutes, and then flip just once.

3. Meat should be blotted dry with paper towels before it meets the heat. Otherwise it's boiling, steaming and braising -- not grilling.

Things YOU Need To Know About "Fast Food" Joints

1)A Big Mac has fewer calories than a "grilled chicken club", "large fries", or, "20 McNuggets". (540 calories)

2)Corn muffins have more calories than a glazed doughnut, Egg McMuffin, or, French Toaststix. (500 calories)

3)Wendy's "honey mustard topping" has 280 calories.

4)A Subway ham sub has only 290 calories(6 inch)

5)Medium Burger King Fries have 360 calories. Small fries has only 130.

6)Sausage adds the most calories of pizza toppings.

7)The Taco Bell item with the most calories is the Taco Salad(860 calories)

Alright, that should start YOU on your way to a fitter YOU. Maybe! As the old saying goes, "YOU are what YOU eat"! lol

"The more YOU know, the more YOU grow,
The more YOU grow, the further YOU go"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really... they should just call it "fat on you fast food!" Don't you think?

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