Thursday, May 01, 2008

"Operation Chaos" Aka "Operation Dumbass"

If the late great comedian Richard Pryor were here today, I could imagine him saying something to the effect of, "what the f*#k is wrong with you people, are you stupid"? Hey Richard, "yeah, they are".

Recently, I started listening to the Rush Limbaugh radio show. Since I believe in giving credit where it is due, I must say, "the guy is very intelligent and on point more than not". However, I can't say that for most of his listeners. He has this thing going where he gets his Republican listeners to switch parties in primaries/caucuses and vote for Hillary Clinton to help her get a win and stay in the presidential campaign. This, supposedly, creates "chaos" within the Democratic party between Clinton and Obama supporters and delegates. Which in turn, keeps the party divided for so long that by the general election, they are to battered and bruised to put up a good fight against McCain and the Republicans. A strategy they may work or not. The point is however, "don't you people have better things to do than running back and forth to your election office and switching your registration"? YOU, are freaking LOSERS! Don't YOU have a brain of your own? And as much as I hate to say it, most of this group of people are "white". Speaking of which, "why do YOU people keep throwing your support behind Obama"? "Are YOU blind, deaf and dumb"? WAKE UP PEOPLE!

Black folks, "what is your problem"? Oh, I know, "YOU were blinded by the color of his skin". That is an excellent reason to vote for someone. Hey, with that reasoning, no wonder black people have not come any further than they are. Barack Obama has done NOTHING significant in government. He is still wet behind the ears. He carries way to much negative baggage with him. AND, as witnessed in North Carolina this week, he is not campaigning to the black community because he knows he doesn't have to. He knows "blacks" are going to vote for him regardless. Excuse me, but, "isn't that a diss on YOU"? Come on people, wake yourselves up. Wouldn't YOU rather vote for someone who is going to help YOU excel and move forward instead of someone who is going to promise YOU the government will bail YOU out and keep YOU indebted to them? OPYN Your MINDZ and stop listening to these so-called reverends and race baiters that want to keep crap going so that they can prosper.

Nobody is keeping YOU where YOU are except YOU. Nobody is going to help YOU move forward except YOU. Vote that, bank that!

"The more YOU know, the more YOU grow,
The more YOU grow, the further YOU go"

1 comment:

terrell ali bey said...

baal ,the govt management gonna baal people out,their god is baal,they say say gonna help us with bail but that word indicates sacrifice any way its spelled.the word baal is really what they mean when they say that.something or someone is gonna have to be sacrificed to get baal/bail sacrificed to get baal/bail,the politiciian is grey an so is his subliminal vocabulary.

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