Friday, July 25, 2008

Alien Visitors Then and Now

Astronaut Claims Alien Cover-Up

Former NASA astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell told a British radio host this week that governments have been covering up contact with aliens for more than six decades, The Daily Telegraph reported.

The 77-year-old veteran of the Apollo 14 mission said, "I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we’ve been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real."

"It's been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so," he said, "but slowly it's leaked out and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it."

Mitchell claimed the infamous 1947 incident in Roswell, N.M., where several people saw an alien spacecraft crash, did in fact happen. The military has said the so-called spacecraft was actually a weather balloon.

NASA quickly downplayed Mitchell’s comments. "Dr. Mitchell is a great American, but we do not share his opinions on this issue," a statement from the space agency read. "NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe."

Who am I or, who are YOU to go against what a bonafide astronaut has to say. If anyone should know, he should. Besides, how close minded, naive, and just plain ignorant do YOU have to be to think that we are the only life forms in this massive Universe?

As I have stated before in other postings, "man did NOT build the pyramids or Machu Picchu". Therefore, it might be safe to say that they were built by "off planet" visitors. What do YOU think?

"Opyn Your Mindz",

1 comment:

terrell ali bey said...

in akebulan, indeed from the pyramids to credo mutwa the zulu shamen.the hidden is who these aliens actually are an who they manifested into.there are many,the original man with carbonated skin is from up above.the sky at night proves it.that is the constitution of the skin of the ebony hue.thats one form of alien that walks amongst us every day.these people have been reduced to a crayon box colors by man kind.melanin is but a european adjective.greys ,reptilians have come to gaia for their fair share an live off of human so called disasters or carneges with so called mass graves.human sacrifices of the draconian order.there are ships right now hovering over akebulan in the north,pitures taken by nasa .they all are here,watch predator vs alien again ,thats a taste of whats here.gene roddenbury had access to real papers of the govt acounts of ufos an used them to write star trek.what ever was on t.v an in the movies already exists in true reality.els [elohim]an annunakis are in the king james bible,they didnt leave that part out in lost books.the concept of god or the heavens cosmology astrology mathematicas an divine law comes from where aliens come from ,the uni-verse.they have always been here .they live on stars ,travel on stars cause they can.highly advances civilizations thats can push a button an blow us out of the universe

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