Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry/Happy____Fill In The Blank

The Sharpe Tree Christmas Eve

For those of YOU that celebrate Christmas, as many of YOU do, "Merry Christmas". For those of YOU that do NOT celebrate Christmas, "happy whatever to YOU". As I have noticed this year, alot of people are fed up with the religious overtones tied to Christmas, and, prefer celebrating the season as the "Winter Solstice".

In these times of global unrest on a variety of platforms, it is a great time to just stop, be with friends/family, and, reflect on just exactly what is taking place on the planet and how YOU and yours plan to handle the coming challenges, good or bad. Whatever name YOU choose for the season that brings YOU comfort, go with it.

Have a safe and enjoyable day and season of peace, love and focus.

Love, Peace & Happiness,


Anonymous said...


Yachs@Home said...

Merry Christmas to you and may we all be so thankful for the well wishes and remember them in the coming year, so as to be at peace with one another.

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