Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bobby Sharpe - Shields Down(Today) - 4 Words

For those of YOU that read my blogs on a fairly regular basis(thank YOU), YOU probably know that I am pretty hardcore and straight to the point. I pull very few punches and take NO prisoners. Some of YOU probably think I'm not even human half the time. Well, that's okay, because, THAT is who I am and what I do. However, I do periodically, "drop my shields" and let the humanity traits come forth. YOU know, sadness, anger, disappointment, hurt, all those "good" kind of things that make humans.

Today, March 17, 2009, I had one of those "shields down" days. It all started by riding past a "closed and shuttered" Bennigans. Not too many years ago, St. Patty's Day and Bennigans, went together like hand and glove. IT was just wrong for Bennigans NOT to be opened on this day. To make matters even worse, less than 2 blocks away, a Fridays was also closed and shuttered. A half a block away from that, a Pizzeria Uno suffered the same fate. As did a Straubs Seafood Rest. that had been around for years. Not to mention about another handful of stores in this 3-4 block stretch on a major roadway in Orlando Florida. This brought out the "sadness" and "hurt". Not only did I frequent these places, but alot of my friends and clients worked at these places and are now unemployed.

The above paragraph lead to the "anger" and "disappointment". Because of 4 words, "stupidity", "greed", "vanity" and "incompetence", the above scenario is playing out all over this country and planet. It is, to say the least, "heartbreaking" and a very sad day for humanity.

Having restored my shields to full strength, it is time for my awakened self to acknowledge the big picture. What we are seeing taking place on this planet these days, economically and environmentally, in computer terminology, "is a disc cleanup and a defrag" of our hard drive, WHICH, is the planet itself. When it is all said and done, as has happened in the past many times, there will be alot less of everything, including us. What remains though, will be what needs to be for the prosperity of the planet and the future of life here on Earth. And believe me, there is nothing we can or will do to affect what will be.

"Opyn Mindz Have Better Journeys",

1 comment:

IdahoanAshley said...

These are some frightening times we are living in right now, but our country has proved many times over that we can and have conquerred extreme fall-backs. We've survived wars, civil wars, the Great Depresssion, terrorist attacks and many other catastrophes that would bring a weaker country down. I'm just a simple girl from Idaho who pretty much has been sheltered most of her life but I can tell you this: Constant worry will not change anything. All we are doing is spreading fear amongst our civilians and our children. I agree with you Bobby when you compared what is happening with our country to a computer. Disk frag and clean up. That was a good analogy. And that is what we need to focus on. We're just cleaning up. I think our planet was heading south anyways. Prices were at all-time highs, crime rate was at its worst. I'm not saying that this is a good thing, but it has definitely been a wake-up-call for me. We can dwell on what we don't have but I think this will force us to start being creative. Start budgeting, start following those money-pincher tips. There are still jobs out there. I think one of your words "vanity" was almost right on the money. These big execs and big wigs that were bringing in some major income are now out of a job and instead of swallowing their pride and getting a job at a Subway, they're collecting unemployment and waiting for a miracle to happen. We need to get off our asses and make a change. Set an example for our children, come together as a country and show the world that we can get through this! Because bottome line: we can and we will.

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