Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Asteroids And Solar Storms - What's Next?

Huge Solar Storm Could Shut Down US

April 21) - A massive solar storm could be catastrophic for the United States and other countries, scientists warn.

Such a storm could knock out power nationwide, ABCNews.com reported, leading to a nightmarish scenario that could include failures of transportation, communication and financial systems; shutdowns of government services; and a lack of safe drinking water, food and medication.

Solar storms form when intense bursts of plasma erupt from the surface of the sun, creating what's called a coronal mass ejection (CME). These eruptions can produce electromagnetic interference that wreaks havoc with electricity-dependent technology on Earth.

Although the probability of a worst-case scenario solar storm event is low, researchers say that our increasing reliance on technology makes it crucial to be prepared for such a calamity.

"The consequences could be extreme," Roberta Balstad, a research scientist with Columbia University's Center for Research on Environmental Decisions, told ABCNews.com.

In 1859, a powerful solar storm fried telegraph systems around the world. Another one caused a blackout in Quebec, Canada, 20 years ago.

Michael Kaiser, project scientist for NASA's Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) mission, told ABCNews.com that even if a big solar storm were to hit the nation, power grid operators could minimize the damage if they had enough of a warning.

Kaiser said he and his colleagues are working to refine their ability to better predict solar storms before they happen. "We're getting smarter now," he added.

Well, we just had an asteroid headed our way in a few years, and now, "here is something else to look forward to", possibly. I have enough problems with my electronics as it is. DO NOT need a solar storm to screw them up even more!

"Space, The Final Gotcha",

1 comment:

Ernie said...

Being a scifi nerd, I’VE been reading about this FOR years. This is why some people suggest that you needs to keep a month supply of canned food and guns. If the power grid was fried, so would communications. Without communications, how would the government put the power grid back on line. But, worry about this, worry about the asteroid, worry about getting hit by lighting … have to live and not worry about everything. But, I must say that “Space, The Final Gotcha” is perfect.


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