Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haitian Quake - Puerto Rican Subduction Zone

PR Trench location. PR in middle, Haiti to left

The earthquake that has occurred in Haiti this week is a catastrophic event whose effects will be felt for a long time. However, this could be a precursor to even worse events coming as we move forward. Much, if not all of this, can and possibly will be, attributed to the Puerto Rico Trench/Puerto Rico Subduction Zone.

To get up to speed with this, check out these sites

The best thing YOU can possibly do is, "pay attention" and educate yourself...

"Pay Attention",

Bobby Sharpe Bobby Sharpe's "Indigo Spiritz": Soul Mates & Twin Flames Part 1 Bobby Sharpe's "Indigo Spiritz": Soul Mates & Twin Flames Pt 2

1 comment:

Bobby Sharpe said...

The people of Haiti need more than prayers and donations. They are like putting a bandage on a shark bite. These people need a whole new country, government and way of life. This place is virtually past redemption. They need something to look forward to. NOT more of the same....

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