Saturday, October 23, 2010

Election Day and State of Voting

For those that think election day will solve our problems, YOU, are the reason it won't. Why, because you are going to vote stupid. The majority of you will vote with your heart or some other facet of You, beside your brain. You will vote for a party and not the most qualified candidate. If this is the way the election goes down, You will have accomplished nothing except throwing the status of our country out of the frying pan and into the fire. If this happens, You will have done nothing except prolong and add to, our demise. Use your mindz for a change, or, "we're screwed beyond help"...!

"Opyn Your Mindz",

Bobby Sharpe    Dragon, Book of Shang    Facebook | Bobby Sharpe


Unknown said...

I could not agree more Bobby.

civil service avenger said...

You hit the nail sqarely on the head, Sir.

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