Monday, July 10, 2006

Swedish Law Students-Stupid Jersey Politicos

These 3 ladies are law students from Sweden who were here in Orlando for conferences and competitions in the field of law. Yes, there are competitions in negotiating and mediating as lawyers. I know, it's news to me also. However, apparently it is not small potatos, because I had several clients from various parts of the world that were here for the same competitions. Asian countries as well as European countries and Latin American countries were well represented. Congratulations to all the folks that were here and ALL the WINNERS of various awards. Hopefully these competitions will give you good insight to world of law and be a stepping stone to your success.

I hope all of the competitors got home safe and sound and will come back to Orlando at some point to enjoy all that we have to offer. Have great careers!

Stupid Jersey Politicians

Having grown up pretty much in New Jersey, it bothers me to see just how "stupid" people are that are running the Garden State. As you probably know by now, Jersey was shut down for a few days because they could not pass a state budget. Basically what it boiled down to, was, the governor wanted to raise the sales tax from 6% to 7% to pump some funds into the state. The majority of the politicos in the state, from what I understand, mostly Democrats, did not want to agree to this because it is an election year, and they don't want to be associated with a tax increase. It was OKAY to NOT PASS A TIMELY BUDGET and shut the state down though. Close the casinos and lose over a MILLION DOLLARS a day to the state coffers. Close the parks and race tracks and other recreational facilities. Yeah, the voters wont remember any of that though, will they?

Because of stupidity like this, is the reason I have the poll set up on this page that deals with eliminating political parties and other garbage that stinks up our political system. Maybe the whole country needs to register "independent" and tell the Dems and Republicans and Libertarians and any other "party" to kiss our collective asses with their "party line" bullshit! Bet that isn't "politically correct" is it? lol

Hey, take the poll and send a message!

As usual, check out for some good tunes and a laugh or two. Also, you can reach me at

Don't forget, TAKE THE POLL!

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