Sunday, July 02, 2006

Birthdays, Fireworks, & Summer

Well, here it is again, "Independence Day, July 4th"! Freedom and birthday celebration for our country. Barbecue's in the back yards of friends and relatives. trips to the beach, mountains, and lakes. Visits to theme parks, movies, zoos, camp grounds and all kinds of other cool places and things. And don't forget "the fire works". Going to a fire works display is great fun. However, playing with fire works, if you do not know what you are doing, can be dangerous and illegal. So, if you are going to do your own thing with the fire works, BE SAFE!

I would also like to wish birthday greetings to all of those folks who were born on the 4th of July. All the so called "firecracker" babies. Including my daughter Shelain. Also, a couple of my good clients, namely Susan of Orlando and clients and friends Ashley from Idaho, Mike from SF, and all the other "firecrackers" I have met over the years.

As most of you know, I am a Siberian Husky owner and lover. I have a really good post about the Siberian Husky Rescue of Florida on my myspace Please feel free to check it out. I would really appreciate that.

Have a great rest of the 4th of July weekend and, as always, if you feel the need, email me at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHA your right its Independence Day but just watch the skies never know what might show up....Maybe even a gigantic space ship that wants to destroy the earth! But anywayz Cant wait to celebrate it!

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