Wednesday, September 20, 2006

"NEW" Enigma disc: A Posteriori

Well people, by now, most of you know I LOVE Enigma. Today, I listened to the "new" Enigma disc "A Posteriori" all the way through about 8 times. Right now, track 7 "Message From IO" has captured my ears bigtime.

As an Enigma fan, I am thrilled to have a new album. I am also somewhat disappointed because of the lack of Sandra vocals. The disc is primarily instrumental. It is very soothing and ambient for the most part. However, I personally do not feel as though Michael Cretu has brought anything "new" to the table so to speak. The cd is nice, and, I do like it quite a bit. However, it is not great and not what I would expect a number of Enigma fans are expecting. Personally, I feel as though Enigmas best days are behind them. I also feel that an Enigma project without Sandra, is NOT Enigma! It is a Michael Cretu project.

Here is a really cool link that will let you preview the tracks on the cd.Enigma - A Posteriori . Please, email me and let me know your thoughts on this new Enigma disc.

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