Monday, September 11, 2006

NY 9-11-01, Nagasaki, Japan 1945, Beirut 2006

You know, being a native New Yorker, and, an American, September 11, 2001 really ticked me off. I can remember that day like it was right now. I wanted to volunteer for the military so I could go and hunt down the dirtbags that made this happen. I wanted to know why the US was not obliterating somebody or something in retaliation. But with all the rage and hatred I had that day, I am equally "ticked off" on this 5th anniversary of that day. However, my focus has shifted somewhat to the homeland and all of it's "STUPID PEOPLE".

Yeah, 911 was a sad day in American and world history. An enormous number of lives were cut short, completely rearranged, and destroyed for generations. However, the same can be said for the people of Nagasaki, Japan in 1945. You think the 9-11 attacks were bad, imagine, if you can, being nuked! The same can also be said for the innocent people of Beirut Lebanon in 2006. Why do we have to keep throwing this in everybody's face every September 11th? Is our loss and tragedy something more special than others? I, personally, DO NOT need this whole "sympathy trip and remembrance play" every 9-11. Come on, 4 hours to read all the names of those who perished? What good does that do? Does it bring them back? NO. Their families and friends know their names and, they will not forget.

As for the "stupid people". The "stupid people" I am talking about here, are, basically all of your "diarreah mouth" right wing and left wing talk show host on radio and television that need to get a life and get over themselves. They are all a bunch of "pompous assholes" that think they know everything. Like they matter. Instead of trying to have a show based on what we can do to over come these setbacks and move on to "NEXT", these idiots are sitting around trying to figure out whose fault it is that we got caught with our "security pants" down. Please?! Laying blame is not bringing the dead back or reconstructing the twin towers. Do the world a favor and get "idiots" like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hanity, and Neal Bortz among others, off the airwaves. It is time to move forward people. Stop sitting around languishing in your own sorrow and self pity and start using what GOD gave you, "a brain"!

So, am I having a bad day? No, not really. However, everyday is a bad day for the "stupid people". Especially the ones working in fast food places that can't even get a $2 order straight. Thanx to our wonderful "public school system". Hey, remember that song by War, "The World Is A Ghetto", how about we change the title and call it "America Is Becoming A Ghetto"?

As usual, for some fun and good music, check Got something to say, email me at .

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