Monday, November 06, 2006

Election Day '06, Who Cares

For all of my "out of country" friends and acquaintences, today is election day in the good old USA. As they call it, "midterm elections". Congressmen, senators, governors, and that sort of thing. Although most of YOU(outsiders)that is, don't really have a vested interest in this election, I know there are enough of you that do have a passing interest because of your dislike for American politics over the last several years.

However, this article, and my personal thoughts, is not so much about our election, but, elections in general. Though alot of this speaks to US elections and politics.

ELECTIONS ARE PRETTY MUCH A FARCE! As I have heard a number of times from some pretty well healed and intelligent people, "it doesn't matter who wins, we, the populace, still get the short end of the stick". Not too mention the fact that "no matter what politician X promises, the percentage of his/her promises that are fulfilled is miniscule at best". Why is this? How about the fact that NO ONE POLITICIAN has the final say on anything! In essence, individual politicos are basically "powerless". Including the president!

Another reason elections are a "joke", is, "because most people, especially in this country, vote along party lines and have NO CLUE what their candidate stands for or their platform. Hell, sometime they don't even know the candidates name until election day. So, what's the point? It's all bogus.

Okay, so what's the solution? Well, you can just sit it out. As I am sure a few people will. Or, you can do what I do. I don't particularly care what party the person belongs to. I don't really care what their platform is. The only thing that matters is, DO I LIKE THIS PERSON WELL ENOUGH TO WANT TO BE FRIENDS? If yes, then that is who I vote for. Such as Bill Clinton, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer or Bill Nelson. If I would not want you on my friends list on myspace, then I could care less about your party or your platform. Hey, it's just that simple.

Am I going to vote on November 7, 2006? Probably, because there are a couple people I personally like.

One last thought before I close this. It does kind of have a place for election day. The thought is, "there is NO SATAN, there are just a bunch of "stupid people" making bad, unintelligent, miss informed decisions with their own GOD given "free will". As I am sure a bunch of you did, or, will do, on this election day!

Peace & Soulz,

Bobby Sharpe

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