Friday, April 20, 2007

Dragons: Pt 5

Check out some of my advertisers for some cool dragon stuff!
American Dragons

Meso-American dragon

Feathered serpent deity responsible for giving knowledge to mankind, and sometimes also a symbol of death and resurrection.

Inca dragon

A dragon (sometimes called a snake) on the Inca culture. The last Inca emperor Tupak Amaru's name means "Lord Dragon".
Brazilian dragon

A dragon-like animal (sometimes like a snake) of the Brazilian Indian cultures.
Chilean dragon

Caicaivilu and Tentenvilu
Snake-type dragons, Caicaivilu was the sea god and Tentenvilu was the earth god, both from the Chilean island ChiloƩ .

African Dragon

African dragon

Possibly originating in northern Africa (and later moving to Greece), this was a two-headed dragon (one at the front, and one on the end of its tail). The front head would hold the tail (or neck as the case may be) in its mouth, creating a circle that allowed it to roll.

Antharus, The Blue Dragon

Greetings, I am Antharus, the Blue Dragon. You and I have known each other for a very long time, and our former friendship has endured the test of time.

I have returned to Earth from the Pleiades about a year ago, to be closer to you and spend time at your side, once again, even though you are not yet able to see me with your present level of vision. Yes, I left your planet over 100,000 years ago when dragons became feared and hunted at a time a great number of the people on the planet lost their connection with their divine source. That era became the second phase of what you call “the fall” in consciousness, when humanity fell further into density and duality.

That takes care of part 5 of the "Dragon" series. Part 6, the final part, will follow shortly. It will cover "dragon like creatures" and "notable dragons". Excerpts from my book will follow part 6.

Peace & Soulz,


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