Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dyson Solar Powered Cars

Vacuum-Cleaner King James Dyson Plans Solar-Powered Car

James Dyson has made quite a name for himself with his bagless vacuum cleaners. Now, the inventor is spending some of his $1.5 billion fortune working on a gasless car -- specifically, one that runs completely on solar power.

His engineers in England are developing a lightweight electric motor that, according to Dyson, could power a family vehicle for hundreds of miles. The battery would be charged by solar panels mounted on the vehicle's roof, and/or on the roof of a garage where the car is stored. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the motor is actually based on those used in the company's vacuum cleaners and hand dryers.

Dyson believes that electric cars will outnumber gas-guzzlers within a decade.

"Electric cars are [currently] seen as city cars and to go 30 mph is quite enough, but in the future that will change," said Dyson. An electric motor can go to very high speeds."

Of course, as anyone who has actually been to the land of tea and crumpets has already surmised, there will be concerns over whether Britain is actually sunny enough for solar power to work. Global warming, perhaps?

Listen, if this guy can do for automobiles what he has done for vacuum cleaners, "who am I to doubt him". Bring it on Mr. Dyson. Anything beats what we are paying for a gallon of gas these days.

Dyson Vacuum Cleaners Rule,

1 comment:

terrell ali bey said...

indeed the gas powered car is another bill.5-6 dollars a gallon would make this a good investment in sunny florida.the oil barons have the people in the red.

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