Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Soul Mates (Part 2) The ONE

Before we go any further, it was suggested to me, by my "soul mate", that I should offer some dictionary/encyclopedia definitions of the term soul mate.

Soulmate (or soul mate) is a term sometimes used to designate someone with whom one has a feeling of deep affinity, friendship, love, strong intimacy or compatibility.

The term makes reference to the concept of the soul and carries certain New Age overtones.

There is a prevalent concept in some segments of the New Age movement that some souls are literally made and/or fated to be the mates of each other, or to play certain other important roles in each others' lives.

A related concept is that of the twin flame or twin soul - thought to be the ultimate soulmate, the one and only other half of one's soul, which all souls are driven to find and unite with.

However, not everyone who uses these terms intends them to carry such mystical connotations; they are sometimes used simply as an expression of strong emotional feeling for someone.

DefinitionsClassical - Greek mythology - An angry god split our ancestors into two resulting in humans who are condemned to spending their lives searching for the other half, the soulmate.

Spiritual and religious - concepts of reincarnation and karma. Soulmates have spent many previous lifetimes together.

Companion soulmate - People with whom one has made a connection.

Twin soulmates - Very close friends with whom one has strong bonds.

Twin flame soulmate - A popular romantic belief that there is only one true soulmate.

Our series on Soul Mates continues as promised. Part 2 explains "The One". Enjoy, and, feel free to post any comments you may have.


How many times have you met someone who touched your heart and you have asked, "Is this person, 'The One'?" This expression refers to "The One For Me...."

From the time we are able to desire a partner - most people seek The One - the person who is here to make them feel complete.

That person would be a lifetime partner - always there with unconditional love, compassion and understanding.

The One is here to share your journey - through all of its detours - and to support your decisions as you evolve.

When you meet The One - if you are lucky enough to meet that person - you do not have to ask, "Is this The One?" You will know.

Most people change too much during their experiences here to meet The One.
They meet souls who may seem to be The One at a cycle in their lives - but later move on with another or remain alone.

The One is your soul - divided by the barriers of Time and Space - above and below - feeling naked and alone in third dimension and struggling to find the answers to age old questions...Why am I here? What is my mission?

The One as yourTwin Flame This is your polar opposite - the yin / yang - the balance aspect of your soul - The One who makes you complete - and waits in higher frequency for soul reunion - often guiding your path in third dimension.

While in 3D - young people search for The One most of their lives.

Middle Age people - still seek that person - but their goals with that person have changed.

Older people still seek a companion - The One become less a person of 'passion' and more about 'compassion.'

The One is linked with many aspects of Love: Spiritual [pure consciousness connection] - Physical [passion] - Romantic [feeds the heart and fantasies] - Emotional [understands and fills our many needs] - Mental [growing together and sharing new choices]

Do you think you have found The One?

Have you found - then lost - The One?

Do you have something to release connected to The One?

Have you concluded that you will never meet The One? When you say that - are you saddened by the thought?

If you do not meet The One - will you settle for another?

Can you be alone and not be lonely? Does being alone scare you?

Do you long for romance and passion?

Do not look for The One. Live your life. Embrace the moment. Be kind and caring.

If The One for you is out there - and you are BOTH ready - you will attract each other by synchronicity - no other way.

to be continued....

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