Monday, January 01, 2007

New Birthday Tradition, Bogus Holidays

Before we really get started, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Which, just so happens to be, one of our "biggest bogus holidays". Based on conversations I have had over the last few days or so of this holiday season, myself, and, a number of my clients, think that we spend far too much time and money on "bogus holidays". In this posting, we will address a number of these. Some for your humor, and, some to show why the "stupid people" moniker fits You.

1)New Years: Why is this such a big deal? Nothing important happened on this date. The new year varies from culture to culture. Starting new and placing the old behind is flexible, and, subjective. Don't companies and businesses have various starting points for their fiscal years? What warrants going to your favorite club and spending $100 for the same crap you spent $10 on the week before? Think about it!

2)Valentines Day: Look, if you need a designated day to tell you to be nice and loving to your special someone, you are obviously a "loser" and that someone certainly is not all that "special"! It is no more than commercialisms way of getting the "stupid people" to spend more money!

3)St. Patricks Day: Yeah, 99% of people have "NO CLUE" what this day is about. Not to mention that a vast majority of people that celebrate this are NOT IRISH! Basically, the PRIMO day for drinking and getting intoxicated in the name of something, on the planet. Pretty lame!

4)Cinco de Mayo: Are you kidding me? As with St. Patricks's Day, most people have "NO CLUE" what this is about. Not to mention, most people that celebrate this are NOT Mexican. Or, even Spanish! It is just another "let's get drunk day"! Please.

5)Mother's Day and Father's Day: These two pretty much fit the same category as Valentines Day.

Though there are other holidays that may not represent exactly what they were intended to do, they still nonetheless, for the most part, come across as legit.

NEW Birthday Tradition

After a conversation with two of my buddies this week, we have come to the conclusion that "birthday celebrations" are screwed up. YOUR birthday, should first and foremost, be a day of giving thanks and appreciation to the entity that brought you into this world, YOUR MOTHER! That's right, your mother deserves the birthday cake, presents from you and an all around celebratory day. After all, if it weren't for the nine months she had to endure, YOU, would not be here!

After taking care of mom, then, you can celebrate your birthday as the joyous day it is for you. Remember though, "mom is first". If your mom is no longer present, then, you may come first on your day. But only then! Make this your new year resolution!

Peace & Soulz for 2007,


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