Thursday, October 02, 2008

Palin - Biden Debate Overview

Just finished watching the highly anticipated vice presidential debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden. Immediate impression on the outcome, Palin 55%, Biden 45%. In other words, "I think Palin's total overall performance was better". To be fair though, "they both did a good job that should make their respective parties proud".

Sarah Palin does have alot to learn over the next short and long period of time. She is new in the game and needs some time to totally get up to speed. After her performance tonight though, I have no doubt that she is capable of gaining the knowledge she would need to be second in command or higher.

As I have stated in previous postings, "I do have issues with some of her positions on certain things". However, most people have some issues with just about anyone they know. So whats it mean? The biggest problem I have with Sarah Palin is, "she is a Republican"! That is a problem for me because, "I AM NOT A REPUBLICAN NOR WILL I BE". "I am a registered independent with a Libertarian slant". We will get into my views at another time. If more people got off that "party" devotion and voted with their brains and gut instincts, we would more than likely be alot better off. After all, "we are supposed to be humans, NOT freaking sheep"! In all fairness, my lovely wife Mary, cannot stand Sarah Palin. That also goes for my sister-in-law Debbie and a few other family members. That's what is great about living in America. YOU have a choice.

"Opyn Your Mindz, Vote Smart",

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