Saturday, February 25, 2006

Nazis and MY MONEY!

That's right, Nazis, wasting our money! Today, Feb. 25, 2006, this ignorant dirtbag Nazis group paraded their ignorance through the Parramore neighborhood of downtown Orlando, Fl. as described in a previous posting. The strategy, according to city leaders etc., was to ignore these geeks and let them go away. Yeah, good plan. There was so much news coverage and talk on the street, that, everybody in Central Florida knew about this. Way to go leaders! That worked real well! So, since everybody and their momma knew about this, that meant there would more than likely be a confrontation! Big freaking surprise! Which also meant that there would be a need for a significant law enforcement presence. And bigger than shit, there was! You had your basic police presence, your swat team people, folks with riot gear etc., people with armor and m-16's or m-1's or whatever, motorcycle cops, horse back cops. You would have thought we were waiting on the "mother ship" from the movie Independence Day.

This, leads to my point. Or rather, my question that I already know the answer to. Who the f--k is paying for all this fire power etc? Yeah, I know, YOU & Me! Now I know all about the right to freedom of speech and the amendments and such, however, where is it written that I have to pay to protect these assholes? And please, don't tell me that the taxpayer is NOT picking up this nut. Look, let people have their marches and rallies and speeches and such, but, make them be responsible for their own damn security. If they can't provide that, then NO GATHERING! I have an even better idea. Put scum like this in the Citrus Bowl with the people they are rallying against and let them just get it on with each other. The expense to clean up the bodies and garbage would probably be alot less. Plus, we would be rid of some of this kind of trash. To borrow a line from the Orlando Sentinel's Mike Bianchi on the radio show "Keepin' Score", "If I were King", that is the way it would be. It truly blows my mind that government can't legally figure out a way to get around this kind of counter productive bullshit!

Oh well, just goes to show you, more STUPID PEOPLE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen brother! Reason the government hacks can't figure it out is because they are as stupid as the Nazis pigs that create situations like this.

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