Thursday, June 15, 2006

Fathers's Day Thoughts

Godzilla teaches his son Minya to use his weapon

Well, it seems like it was just Mother's Day. Yet now, it is time to celebrate Father's Day.

What is a "father"? What is a "dad"? Well, as easy as you think it might be to answer those questions, it's not that simple. The reasons being are because "dads"/"fathers" come in all different varieties. And each variety has it's own role and place. After all, we have paternal dads, step dads, grand dads, adopted dads, dads-in-law, foster dads, and fantasy dads(dads we would like our dads to be like). Without getting into exact specifics, different categories of Dads have different levels of functions that they perform depending on their individual situations.

However, if you have to sum up a "dad or father" in one all encompassing single simple word, that word would more than likely be, "teacher". Almost everything a "dad" or "father" does, whether intentionally or not, is teaching us something about life and how to live it. Even if the lesson learned is not a good one. Most of the lessons are passed on and learned by example. Examples of what not to do, and, what to do.

As far as what makes a "dad/father" a good one or, a bad one? That, is pretty much a subjective call by each individual. It is each persons own perceptions and discernments as to whether their "dad/father" was a good or bad parent based on their own morals and views of life period.

I know a lot of us have lost our physical Dads over the years. Some of us more recently than others. For some, it is really hard. For some, it is a blessing. It all depends on your relationship with that man. Be assured of one thing though, however you think of him, or whatever you feel about him, unless you never knew him, that man you call/called "Dad", shaped your life. Good, bad, or indifferent, your "Dad/Father" has his imprint all over you.

As I said on Mother's Day, enjoy the time you have or had, with your Dad. For whatever it is worth. And maybe, if you believe, your souls/spirits will cross paths again, in a different place and time. At that point, you can continue whatever relationship you had. Good or bad, that's your Dad!

Happy Father's Day


Anonymous said...

Yo Bobby, nice touch with the Godzilla-Minya picture. Real creative! Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

All that's good comes from this guy, my dad! I love you, you have been one of life's greatest teacher's to me.

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